Arkivji mensili: Settembru 2017

American Assassin

  • Direttur:          Michael Cuesta

    Atturi:              Dylan O’Brien, Michael Keaton, Sanaa Lathan, Shiva Negar, Taylor Kitsch, David Suchet, Navid Nagahban u Scott Adkins

    Ħin tal-Film:    111 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd         

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                 18

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                      18

    Mitch Rapp tilef il-ġenituri tiegħu f’inċident stradali meta kellu biss erbatax-il sena…

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L-Evanġelju tal-jum: 26 ta’ Settembru

  • San Luqa 8:19-21

    F’dak iż-żmien, ġew għal Ġesù ommu u ħutu, iżda ma setgħux jersqu lejh minħabba l-folla.

    Xi ħadd qallu: “Ommok u ħutek qegħdin hawn barra u jridu jarawk”.

    Iżda hu weġibhom: “Ommi u ħuti huma dawk li jisimgħu l-kelma ta’ Alla u jagħmlu li jgħid Hu”.

    Qaddisin tal-jum: San Kosma u San Damjan

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Il-Papa lill-Knejjes Ewropej: Negħlbu l-intolleranza kontra l-migranti

  • Pope Francis, on Friday 22nd September 2017, urged Churches in Europe to step up efforts to combat intolerance, discrimination and xenophobia against migrants and refugees.

    The pope’s words came in a meeting with national migration directors under the auspices of the Council of European Bishops Conferences or CCEE. He said he was saddened to see that Catholic communities in Europe were also defensive and unwelcoming towards migrants, justifying their attitudes on grounds of conserving their cultural and religious identity…

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Serqa mill-Knisja ta’ Kristu Re f’Raħal Ġdid

  • Serqa oħra minn knisja, din id-darba dik ta’ Kristu Re f’Raħal Ġdid.

    Skont l-aġenzija tal-aħbarijiet, il-Kappillan ta’ Raħal Ġdid, Dun Marc Andrè Camilleri, qal li min wettaq ir-reat qala’ l-ħadid li kien hemm ma’ tieqa fis-saqaf tal-knisja.

    Jidher li mill-knisja ttieħdu biss il-flus li kien hemm fil-kaxex tad-donazzjoni ta’ quddiem l-artal.

    Is-Sagrament u oġġetti sagri oħra tħallew fejn kienu…

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L-Evanġelju tal-jum: 25 ta’ Settembru

  • San Luqa 8:16-18

    F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lill-folla: “Ħadd ma jixgħel musbieħ u jgħattih b’għatu jew iqiegħdu taħt sodda, imma jqiegħdu fuq l-imnara, biex kull min jidħol ġewwa jara d-dawl.

    Għax ma hemm xejn moħbi li ma għadx jidher, u xejn ma hemm mistur li ma għadx jingħaraf u jinġieb għad-dawl.

    Mela oqogħdu attenti kif tisimgħu! …

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L-Evanġelju tal-Ħadd: 24 ta’ Settembru

  • San Mattew 20:1-16 

    F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lid-dixxipli tiegħu din il-parabbola: “Is-Saltna tas-Smewwiet tixbah lil wieħed sid li ħareġ filgħodu kmieni ħafna biex isib nies tax-xogħol u jħaddimhom fl-għalqa tiegħu tad-dwieli. Ftiehem ma’ xi ħaddiema b’dinar kull jum u bagħathom l-għalqa.

    Ħareġ ukoll madwar it-tielet siegħa, ra oħrajn qegħdin fil-pjazza, bla xogħol, u qalilhom: “Morru intom ukoll l-għalqa, u nagħtikom li jkun ħaqqkom”…

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“Min hu Ġesù għalik?” – L-Arċisqof jistaqsi lill-adolexxenti li għamlu l-Griżma f’Marsaxlokk

  • Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Madonna ta’ Pompej, Marsaxlokk

    16 ta’ Settembru 2017

    Ħsieb qasir biex tibqgħu tiftakruh, għax intom grupp għażiż u membri ta’ din il-parroċċa, li qed tagħmlu l-Griżma f’okkażjoni speċjali. Nispera li tafu li qed niċċelebraw il-50 anniversarju minn meta din il-knisja, dan it-tempju, dan is-santwarju, ġie kkonsagrat lil Alla…

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L-Evanġelju tal-jum: 23 ta’ Settembru

  • San Luqa 8:4-15 

    F’dak iż-żmien, inġemgħet kotra kbira ta’ nies li kienu ġejjin lejn Ġesù minn kull belt, u hu qalilhom din il-parabbola: “Wieħed bidwi ħareġ jiżra’ ż-żerriegħa li kellu. Huwa u jiżra’, xi żerrigħat waqgħulu mal-mogħdija u ntrifsu, u l-għasafar tal-ajru naqqruhom kollha. Oħrajn waqgħu fuq il-blat, u nibtu u nixfu, għax tira ma kellhomx. Oħrajn waqgħu qalb ix-xewk, u x-xewk kiber magħhom u ħonoqhom…

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Appell lill-Parlament Malti

  • L-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna u l-Isqof Mario Grech qed jappellaw lill-Parlament Malti sabiex wara li approva l-emendi fl-Att dwar iż-Żwieġ u Liġijiet oħrajn, ma jiħux miżuri oħra li jnaqqsu d‑dinjità tal‑ulied, bħal pereżempju l‑kiri tal‑ġuf (surrogacy) u d‑donazzjoni tal‑gameti (gamete donation).

    Dan l-appell qed isir sabiex is‑soċjetà tagħna tibqa’ tagħraf li l‑ulied huma don li għandu jkollhom dejjem l‑ambjent adattat fejn jitnisslu, jitwieldu u jikbru b’mod seren u b’ħafna mħabba…

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Il-Papa: “Il-Knisja se tapplika miżuri iebsa kontra min jabbuża mill-minuri”

  • Pope Francis has reiterated his pledge to combat the evil of clerical sex abuse affirming that at all levels, the Church will continue to respond applying the firmest of measures to “all those who have betrayed their call and abused God’s children.

    He was addressing members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors gathered for their Plenary Assembly.

    The Commission is an institution that was established by the Pope to propose initiatives that ensure that crimes that have occurred are no longer repeated in the Church.   

    In prepared remarks and after having listened to the greetings of Commission President, Cardinal O’Malley and other members of the Commission, Pope Francis said “I wish to share with you the profound pain I feel in my soul for the situation of abused children, as I have had occasion to do recently several times”. 

    Painful experience for the Church

    Describing the sex abuse scandal as a terrible evil for the whole of humanity, the Pope said it has also been a very painful experience for the Church: “We are ashamed of the abuses committed by holy ministers, who should be the most trustworthy”. 

    “Let me say quite clearly that sexual abuse is a horrible sin, completely opposite and in contradiction to what Christ and the Church teach us” he said. 

    Recalling the fact that he has had the privilege of listening to the stories that victims and survivors of abuses have wanted to share, Pope Francis observed that meetings such as these continue to nourish the personal commitment of all involved in the Commission to do everything possible to combat this evil and eliminate it. 

    The Church to respond at all levels with the firmest measures 

    “That is why, I reiterate today once again that the Church, at all levels, will respond with the application of the firmest measures against all those who have betrayed their call and abused the children of God” he said. 

    The Pope stressed that the disciplinary measures must apply to all those who work in the institutions of the Church, but he pointed out that “the primary responsibility lies with Bishops, priests and religious”: those who have received from the Lord the vocation to offer their lives to serving the Church and this includes “the vigilant protection of all vulnerable children, young people and adults”. 

    “For this reason, the Church irrevocably and at all levels seeks to apply the principle of “zero tolerance” against sexual abuse of minors” he said…

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