Ġublew tat-Tama 2025

L-innu tal-Ġublew tat-Tama bil-Malti

Il‑Knisja f’Malta u f’Għawdex qed tippubblika l‑verżjoni bil‑Malti tal‑innu uffiċjali tal‑Ġublew tat‑Tama bit‑tema ‘Pellegrini tat‑Tama’. Dan hekk kif matul is‑sena d‑dieħla, il‑Knisja u n‑Nisrani huma msejħa jkunu sorsi ta’ tama, għaqda u mogħdrija fil‑komunitajiet tagħhom.

L‑innu oriġinarjament inkiteb bit‑Taljan mill‑Prof. Pierangelo Sequeri, bil‑mużika tas‑Surmast Francesco Meneghello, bit‑temi tal‑ħolqien, il‑fraternità, it‑tjieba ta’ Alla u t‑tama. It‑test inqaleb għall‑Malti minn Francesco Pio Attard u kantat mill‑Kor tad‑Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex… Kompli aqra »

Ġublew 2025: Il-Bieb Imqaddes se jinfetaħ biss fil-Bażiliċi Papali f’Ruma

Ritratt: Agenzia ANSA

In view of the approaching start of the Jubilee 2025, the question has recently been raised as to whether it would be possible to provide for the configuration and opening of the Holy Door in Cathedral Churches, International and National Shrines, as well as in other particularly significant places of worship.

In this regard, while respecting the most sensitive consideration of the pastoral and devotional motivations that may have suggested such a laudable aspiration, it is nevertheless deemed necessary to recall the precise indications established by the Holy Father in the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee 2025, Spes non confundit, which indicates as the Holy Door that of Saint Peter’s Basilica and the other three Papal Basilicas, namely Saint John Lateran, Saint Mary Major and Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls (cf… Kompli aqra »