
Il-mexxejja tal-Knejjes f’Ġerusalemm jikkundannaw bis-saħħa l-aħħar attakk imdemmi f’Gaża

Palestinians wounded in Israeli fire while waiting for aid, according to health officials, lie on beds at Al Shifa hospital, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Gaza City.

In a statement issued on Friday 1 March, the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem have joined the international community in condemning the “wanton attack against innocent civilians” that took place the previous day in Gaza City during the distribution of humanitarian aid.  … Kompli aqra »

Ċelebrazzjonijiet liturġiċi mill-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna f’Marzu 2024

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Marzu, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta xxandar il‑quddiesa kuljum fid‑9:30am fuq TVM, Knisja.mt u Newsbook.com.mt. Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt tixxandar it‑talba tar‑rużarju fuq Knisja.mt, Newsbook.com.mt, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Kull nhar ta’ Ħadd, il‑quddiesa tixxandar fuq TVM, Knisja.mt u Newsbook.com.mt, l‑istazzjon tar‑radju RTK 103, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta.

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna se jiċċelebra l‑quddies f’dawn il‑ġranet:

Il‑Ħadd 3 ta’ Marzu, fid‑9:30am, Mons… Kompli aqra »

Ħsieb mill-Arċisqof: inħaddnu ħniena bla limitu

Riflessjoni għar-Randan 2024

Matul l-2024, l-Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex qed iħeġġu sabiex bħala pajjiż u Nsara, nirriflettu fuq il-ħames doni mingħand il-Mulej li l-poeta nazzjonali Dun Karm Psaila jfakkarna fihom fl-Innu Malti: id-dehen, il-ħniena, is-saħħa, l-għaqda u s-sliem. Dan hekk kif din is-sena, Malta tagħlaq 60 sena indipendenti u 50 sena repubblika.

Il-ħames doni li Dun Karm jitlob fuqhom u għalihom fit-tieni strofa tal-Innu Malti, huma d-dehen, il-ħniena, s-saħħa, l-għaqda u s-sliem. 

Fit-tieni riflessjoni nixtieq li nieqfu ftit naħsbu fuq id-don sabiħ tal-ħniena… Kompli aqra »

L-Arċidjoċesi tikkundanna kummenti malafamanti dwar it-Tribunal Ekkleżjastiku

Qed issir referenza għal blogpost ta’ Simon Mercieca bit‑titlu “Jason  Azzopardi jingħata l‑annullament taż‑żwieġ mit‑tribunal tal‑Knisja”.

F’din il‑blogpost, Simon Mercieca jagħmel diversi dikjarazzjonijiet skorretti u malafamanti fil-konfront ta’ membri tat‑Tribunal Ekkleżjastiku, b’mod partikolari tal‑President tat‑Tribunal Reġjonali tat‑Tieni Istanza, Mons. Joseph Bajada.

Fost l‑oħrajn, Simon Mercieca jallega li Mons. Bajada influwenza deċiżjoni biex
Dr Azzopardi jingħata annullament minħabba r-rabta ta’ Mons… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa jittieħed l-isptar wara l-udjenza ġenerali

Ritratt: Vatican Media

Wara l-Udjenza Ġenerali ta’ dalgħodu l-Papa Franġisku reġa’ ddaħħal l-isptar għall-vista wara li aktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa kellu s-sintomi tal-influwenza.

Il-Papa Franġisku, li għandu 87 sena, aktar kmieni ddaħħal fis-sala permezz ta’ siġġu tar-roti u deher għajjien ħafna. Dalgħodu fis-Sala Pawlu VI tal-Vatikan, waqt l-Udjenza Ġenerali hu kompla s-sensiela ta’ katekeżi tiegħu dwar il-virtujiet u l-vizzji. Din il-ġimgħa huwa rrifletta u eżamina l-għira u l-vanità… Kompli aqra »

Id-Dikasteru għall-Evanġelizzazzjoni joffri riżorsa għas-Sena ta’ Talb

The Vatican’s Dicastery for Evangelization has issued a new resource on prayer aimed at inviting the faithful to “intensify prayer as a personal dialogue with God” and to reflect on their faith and commitment in today’s world.

The new guidebook, entitled Teach Us to Pray (Italian: “Insegnaci a pregare”), is the latest in a series of resources provided by the Dicastery to assist the Church as she prepares for the celebration of Jubilee 2025… Kompli aqra »

15-il Kattoliku rrappurtati maqtula f’attakk terroristiku f’Burkina Faso

At least 15 Catholics attending Sunday Mass were killed on Sunday in jihadi-ridden Burkina Faso during a terrorist attack, reported local Church sources.  

The attack occurred in Essakane village in the country’s North-Eastern Oudalan province, a jurisdiction of the Catholic Diocese of Dori bordering Mali and Niger.

According to a media release issued by the Vicar General of diocese on behalf of the Bishop Laurent Birfuoré Dabiré, twelve worshippers died at the scene of the attack, while three succumbed to their injuries  and two others are in hospital… Kompli aqra »

“Alla jimxi mal-poplu tiegħu”: Titħabbar it-tema għall-Ġurnata Dinjija għar-Refuġjati 2024

The Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development has announced the theme for the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

The theme for this year’s World Day – which will be celebrated on Sunday, 29 September 2024 – will be “God walks with His people”.

A Church on the move

Ahead of that date, Pope Francis will release a message.

In a press release, the Dicastery said that this message would “address the itinerant dimension of the Church”, with “a particular focus on our migrant brothers and sisters”, who represent “a contemporary icon of the journeying Church.”

It is a path to be undertaken in a synodal way,” the statement continues, “overcoming all threats and obstacles, in order to reach our true homeland together.  During this journey, wherever people find themselves, it is essential to recognize the presence of God who walks with His people, assuring them of His guidance and protection at every step.  Yet it is equally essential to recognize the presence of the Lord, Emmanuel, God-with-us, in every migrant who knocks at the door of our hearts and offers an opportunity for encounter.”

110 years of the World Day

The World Day of Migrants and Refugees is observed every year on the last Sunday of September… Kompli aqra »

Ħsieb mill-Arċisqof: għażliet ta’ għerf u għaqal

Riflessjoni għar-Randan 2024

Matul l-2024, l-Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex qed iħeġġu sabiex bħala pajjiż u Nsara, nirriflettu fuq il-ħames doni mingħand il-Mulej li l-poeta nazzjonali Dun Karm Psaila jfakkarna fihom fl-Innu Malti: id-dehen, il-ħniena, is-saħħa, l-għaqda u s-sliem. Dan hekk kif din is-sena, Malta tagħlaq 60 sena indipendenti u 50 sena repubblika.

Għar-Randan ta’ din is-sena 2024, qed nipproponi li nirriflettu fuq ħames doni, valuri, li Dun Karm Psaila, il-poeta nazzjonali, nissel u fakkarna fit-tieni strofa tal-Innu Malti… Kompli aqra »

Mitt sena ilu l-Bambino Gesù sar l-isptar tal-Papa

The Bambino Gesù Hospital, a reference point for paediatric assistance worldwide, was donated to the Vatican 100 years ago on 20 February. We look back at the hospital’s history and the paternal relationship the Holy Father has with the Rome institution that is known as “the Pope’s Hospital”.

In 1869, Duchess and Duke Scipioni founded the Bambino Gesù paediatric hospital. Their house in the centre of Rome and its 12 beds became the city’s first hospital dedicated to children… Kompli aqra »