A Seminar organized by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation on the relevance of “Caritas in Veritate”, the most recent encyclical penned by Pope Benedict XVI, to today’s socio-economic reality of Malta, will have as speakers the Prime Minister, Dr Lawrence Gonzi , the Leader of the Opposition, Dr Joseph Muscat, and the Archbishop of Malta, Mgr Pawlu Cremona OP. The Seminar is organized by Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation – Malta Chapter together with the Pastoral Formation Institute and the Centru Animazzjoni u Komunikazzjoni in collaboration with the Kummissjoni Gustizzja u Paci, Centru Fidi u Gustizzja, and Kummissjoni Teologika.

The Seminar, L-Impenn għall-Iżvilupp Soċjo-Ekonomiku f’ Malta fid-Dawl tal-Enċiklika ‘Caritas in Veritate’”, gives the opportunity to the public to listen to, and share, the views of the chief political protagonists in Malta and the Archbishop on the relevance of the latest papa l encyclical “Caritas in Veritate” to the social and economic reality of Malta and the world. The Seminar, which is being chaired by Joseph F.X. Zahra, is taking place on the 20th November 2009 at 5.30p.m. at the Centru Animazzjoni u Komunikazzjoni, B’ Kara.

Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation is a Vatican-based Foundation which has, as its major objective, the dissemination of the social thinking of the Catholic Church. At the end of the Seminar, Fr. Paul Darmanin OFM (Conv.) will launch the Maltese translation of the encyclical.