• This seminar is intended to raise awareness and empower participants to generate different solutions according to their own particular needs. A presentation will be held by family family counsellor, Ms Silvia Galea, to be followed by discussion groups. This seminar is intended for middle aged couples whose children have fled the nest or will soon do so.
    When children leave the parents’ home for multiple reasons some parents may feel a sense of worthlessness, loss of purpose, sadness or abandonment although some do feel accomplished. This is another step in the family life cycle, a stage of transition which may create stress and unease in most circumstances but more severe consequences (eg. clinical depression and severe couple conflict) in others.  This stage brings about lifestyle changes and challenges the parents into a new way of relating with the now independent adult child.  
    A lot of emphasis is placed on raising children and nowadays there are many courses on parenting styles but there is little support available for this likewise important life process. So we would like to offer you the opportunity to participate in this interesting seminar which is being held on 30th March 2016 at 7.30pm at Genesis 2, Institute of Marriage and the Family, 1 Oratory Street, Naxxar.  For further information, kindly call on 9942 9907 or 7920 2477.