Arkivji mensili: Marzu 2017


  • ***

    Direttur: Dax Shepard

    Atturi: Dax Shephard, Michael Péna, Vincent D’Onofrio, Isiah Whitlock, Adam Brody, Rosa Salazar, Vida Guerra u Kristen Bell

    Ħin tal-Film: 101 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd.



    Jon Baker u Frank Poncherello ngħaqqdu ma’ California Highway Patrol għar-raġunjiet differenti…

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Power Rangers

  • ****

    Direttur: Dean Israelite

    Atturi:Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Becky G, Ludi Lin, Bill Hader, Bryan Cranston u Elizabeth Banks

    Ħin tal-Film:124 min



    Ħames żgħażagh jingħaqdu flimkien b’koinċidenza, biex iwettqu missjoni importanti li jsalvaw mhux biss belthom, f’Angel Grove,  iżda wkoll id-dinja kollha. Il-ħames żgħażagħ ma kienux jafu lil xulxin minn qabel.  Dawn kienu Jason Scott, futboler tajjeb, Billy Cranston, żagħżugħ antisoċjali u daqxejn stramb, Kimberly Hart, tfajla popolari ħafna, Zack, ġuvni mpulsiv u Trini Kwan, tfajla b’karattru kwiet u lesbjana…

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Il-Papa Franġisku jiltaqa’ ma’ familji immigranti f’Milan

  • Pope Francis on Saturday 25th March, he greeted the Rom, Islamic, and immigrant families of the ‘White Houses’ in the Forlanini quarter of Milan at the beginning of his one-day pastoral visit to the city.

    Upon his arrival, residents gave the Holy Father two gifts: a priestly stole and a picture of a statuette of the Madonna…

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“Il-Mulej jagħtina d-dawl biex fil-kampanja ngħidu: “dak ħolqien ta’ Alla”, mhux neqirduha” – L-Arċisqof

L-Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa mat-tfal, matul il-Viżta Pastorali fil-Parroċċa ta' San Sebastjan, Ħal Qormi

Il-Papa Franġisku jiltaqa’ mar-residenti tal-ħabs f’Milan

  • One of the highlights of Pope Francis’ 1-day pastoral journey to the Italian city of Milan is his visit to the city’s main detention center, the San Vittore Prison.

    Shortly after midday and the recitation of the Angelus, the Pope travelled to the prison where he was welcomed by the director,Gloria Manzelli, and by the prison chaplain, don Marco Recalcati…

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Il-Papa fl-Angelus: Ħarsu lejn id-dawl ta’ Kristu

  • Pope Francis on Sunday during the Angelus in a sunny St Peter’s Square took inspiration from the Gospel reading in which Jesus restores the sight of the blind man.

    With this miracle the Holy Father explained, “Jesus reveals himself as light of the world”. Each of us, the Pope said, is blind from birth, in that, “we were created to know God, but because of sin we are like the blind, we need a new light, that of faith, that Jesus has given us.”

    In fact, Pope Francis went on to say, “the blind man of the Gospel regaining his vision is opened up to the mystery of Christ.”

    This man represents us when we do not realize that Jesus is “the light of the world” and when we look elsewhere when we prefer to rely on small lights when fumbling in the dark,” the Pope said…

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Ejjew inkejlu qalbna bl-atteġjamenti tat-tjieba, il-ġustizzja u l-verità – L-Arċisqof

L-Arċisqof jibda l-Viżta Pastorali fil-Parroċċa ta' San Sebastjan, Ħal Qormi

  • Is-Sibt 25 ta’ Marzu 2017, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna amministra s-Sagrament tal-Qrar u wara ċċelebra Quddiesa fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ San Sebastjan, Ħal Qormi, u ltaqa’ ma’ dawk preżenti. Din il-Quddiesa hija parti mill-Viżta Pastorali li l-Arċisqof qed jagħmel f’din il-Parroċċa.

    Agħfas hawn biex tara r-ritratti kollha taċ-Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa.

    Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna

  • Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ San Sebastjan, Ħal-Qormi
    25 ta’ Marzu 2017

    Ħuti, “intom kontu darba dlam, imma issa intom dawl fil-Mulej: għixu ta’ wlied id-dawl li intom” (Ef 5, 8-9)…

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Il-Papa: Il-Bniedem fiċ-ċentru tal-proġett Ewropew

  • In his address to European leaders, Pope Francis spoke about embracing the past, but also looking to the future with hope.

    Referring to the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties – the occasion for the meeting – Pope Francis said “Returning to Rome, sixty years later, must not simply be a remembrance of things past, but the expression of a desire to relive that event in order to appreciate its significance for the present.” He said, “We cannot understand our own times apart from the past, seen not as an assemblage of distant facts, but as the lymph that gives life to the present.”

    Calling attention to the founding fathers of the European project, whom he quoted repeatedly, the Pope said Europe is not “a conglomeration of rules to obey” but “a way of life, a way of understanding man based on his transcendent and inalienable dignity.” And so, he said, it was clear from the outset “that the heart of the European political project could only be man himself.” But this outlook, he continued, depends on solidarity…

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“Ħares lejn il-wiċċ għażiż tar-Redentur u ħallih jgħidlek: “jiena naħfirlek” – L-Arċisqof

L-Arċisqof imexxi pellegrinaġġ bl‑istatwa devota ta’ Ġesù Redentur u jiċċelebra Quddiesa fl-Isla