The Servant of God, Mother M.Teresa Nuzzo, founded the Congregation “Daughters of the Sacred Heart’’ in 1903. Together with other young ladies she taught catechism in schools and in some parishes.It was one of the main aims of the Foundress to impart education to children based on love and truth. Today the Sisters have a Kindergarten School in Ħamrun and a Primary School at Marsa. They have a children’s Home at Żurrieq and a Day Centre for children in Żejtun and Mellieħa. They also take active part in teaching catechism, academic and technical subjects to the children.
Since its foundation, the Congregation has notably grown in number and apostolic work. It has Convents in Malta, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Philippines Rome and in U.S.A. The Sisters carry out their mission in various apostolic fields especially in schools, teaching Catechism in the parishes, rendering services to the local churches, running Day Care Centres and orphanages.
In 1988 the Congregation was approved as a Congregation of Pontifical Right. In the General Chapter of 1995, Malta and India were established as Provinces and Kenya as a Region.
• The Generalate – St. Therese Convent,100 Triq Ġorġ Borg Olivier, Mellieħa MLH 1021Tel. 2152 3532;(Uffiċċju Sup. Generali: Tel: 00356-21-521157, /Fax: 2152 3981);Email: [email protected]• Provincial House – Christ the King Convent26, Triq l-Imdina, Fleur-de-Lys BKR 1873.Tel. 2144 3901; 2149 8906 (Uffiċju Sup. Provinċjali Tel.2149 3331 Fax. 2144 8386)Email: [email protected]• Nuzzo InstituteTriq id-Duka ta’ Edinburgh, Ħamrun ĦMR 2066 – Tel. 2124 6128• Sacred Heart Convent127, Triq Balbi, Marsa MRS 1816 – Tel. 2123 7432• Mons. Pietro Pace Convent70, Triq Ġorġ Borg Olivier, Rabat RBT 9042 – Tel. 2145 4314• Madre Teresa NuzzoTriq Selmun, Selmun, Mellieħa MLH 2442 – Tel. 2157 3747• St. Joseph Home14, Triq S. Luċjan, Żejtun ZTN 1833 – Tel. 2169 3719• St. Therese HomeTriq l-Imm. Kuncizzjoni, Nigret, Żurrieq ZRQ 34O2 – Tel. 2164 0391Scholastic Year 2014/15
Schools of the Sacred HeartDaughters of the Sacred Heart
Teresa Nuzzo School KGTriq S. Franġisk HumrunTel: 27 234 513
Number of children: 90Teresa Nuzzo School
Primary SchoolDaughters of the Sacred HeartTeresa Nuzzo School127, Triq Balbi Marsa Tel; 21 240393Number of children: 309