Position Papers

Kummenti u punti ta’ tħassib dwar l-Att dwar l-Identità tal-Ġeneru, l-Espressjoni tal-Ġeneru u Karatteristiċi tas-Sess

    1. Any legislation which intends to implement the values enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Constitution of Malta is to be welcomed. The values which inspire and shape Europe, such as respect for human dignity, freedom, tolerance and equality, proportionality, human rights and democracy, justice and solidarity, and the rule of law, are to be interpreted not as a catalogue of entitlements but as a necessary precondition of a ‘culture of dignity’ in which every citizen, irrespective of nationality, status, sexual orientation, gender, age or achievement, lives in an inclusive culture of recognition between human beings…
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