Arkivji mensili: Settembru 2014

Il-Papa jibgħat messaġġi ta’ kondoljanzi b’rabta mal-qtil ta’ tlett sorijiet f’Burundi

  • Pope Francis has sent telgrams expressing his condolences for the violent deaths of three Xaverian missionary sisters in Burundi. Signed by the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the first telegram is addressed to Archbishop Evariste Ngoyagoye of Bujumbura, Burundi, and express the Holy Father’s sorrow at hearing of the murders and his spiritual closeness to the victims’ community, to their families and the whole Bujumbura archdiocese…

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8 – 14 ta’ Settembru

  • It-Tnejn
    8.30 a.m.         L-Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fl-okkażjoni tal-Festa tal-Vitorja fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta.   
    4.30 pm           L-Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa u jiltaqa’ mal-membri tal-Ordo Virginum fiċ-Ċentru ta’ l-Irtiri, Lunzjata Rabat.       

    5.00 p.m.         L-Arċisqof jilqa’ lil Anthony Mifsud, għal żjara ta’ korteżija, fir-residenza tiegħu, Ħ’Attard, fi tmiem tal-ħatra tiegħu bħala Delegat għaż-Żgħażagħ.
    7.00 p.m.         L-Arċisqof jinawgura u jbierek it-‘Tool Exhibition’organizzata minn Infinitely Xara, Dar de Piro, l-Imdina…

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Messaġġ tal-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. waqt il-Quddiesa Pontifikali fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum il-Vitorja

  • Fil-Festa tat-twelid tal-Verġni Mbierka, aħna l-Maltin niftakru fir-rebħiet tal-Poplu tagħna; tant hu hekk li din il-festa nsejħulha l-Vitorja. F’dan il-jum infakkru r-rebħa tal-1565 fuq l-Imperu Ottoman, il-ħelsien mill-Ħakma Franċiża fl-1800, u t-Tmiem tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija għal Malta, meta ċediet l-Italja fit-8 ta’ Settembru tal-1943. Aktar minn rebħiet tal-Poplu Malti, dawn kienu kisbiet ta’ civiltà li servew għall-iżvilupp tal-Ewropa kollha…

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Il-Paċi u d-djalogu fiċ-ċentru tal-udjenzi ma’ Peres u Hassan

  • Pope Francis held two private audiences on Thursday morning, one with the ex-President of Israel, Shimon Peres, and another with Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan. The Director of the Press Office of the Holy See, Fr. Federico Lombardi, SJ, briefed journalists on the audiences. “Peres,” explained Fr. Lombardi, “asked for the audience in order to inform the Pope about his activities and his projects for peace,” which include a joint youth sporting initiative involving “twinned” Israeli and Palestinian cities, in which more than eighty children will participate during the course of the year, and a “United Religions” organization modelled on the United Nations. 

    Speaking to Vatican Radio after the audiences and the briefing, Fr…

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Il-Knisja hija Ommna, m’aħniex orfni – il-Papa Franġisku

  • Tens of thousands gathered on a bright sunny day in St. Peter’s square for the weekly General Audience to hear Pope Francis reflect on the maternal nature of the Church.  He called her “a mother” who gives us “life in Christ,” and reminded the faithful she will never leave them “orphaned.”

    Pope Francis was continuing his series of reflections on how one does not become Christian autonomously, by oneself.  We are created and grow in the faith, he said, in this “great body which is the Church.”

    Below, please find the official English summary of the Pope’s remarks:

    Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our catecheses, we have often noted that we do not become a Christian on our own, but by being born and nurtured in the faith in the midst of the People of God, that is the Church.  She is a true mother who gives us life in Christ and, in the communion of the Holy Spirit, brings us into a common life with our brothers and sisters.  The model of motherhood for the Church is the Blessed Virgin Mary, who in the fullness of time conceived through the Holy Spirit and gave birth to the Son of God.  Her motherhood continues through the Church, who brings forth sons and daughters through baptism, whom she nourishes through the Word of God.  In fact, Jesus gave the Gospel to the Church to bring forth new life by generously proclaiming his word and winning other sons and daughters for God our Father.  As a mother, the Church nurtures us throughout life by illuminating our path with the light of the Gospel and by sustaining us with the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist.  With this nourishment, we are able to choose the good and be vigilant against evil and deceit, and overcome the difficult moments of life with courage and hope.  This is the Church: a mother who has at heart the good of her children.  And since we are the Church, we are called to live this same spiritual, maternal attitude towards our brothers and sisters, by welcoming, forgiving and inspiring trust and hope…

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L-Armier: Nipproteġu d-drittijiet ta’ min josserva l-liġi

  • Il-Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent (KA) hija mħassba serjament bl-aħbar li l-Enemalta se tinstalla smart meters fil-kmamar illegali fl-Armier. Fl-1 t’Awwissu 2008, il-KA flimkien mal-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi, fi stqarrija għall-istampa, kienu tennew ċar u tond: “M’għandniex nagħmlu tagħna art li mhix tagħna, u lanqas ma nistgħu nokkupaw kmamar b’mod illegali.” L-istqarrija kienet ħarġet bħala parti minn kampanja biex tinħoloq kuxjenza pubblika fuq aspetti kurrenti marbuta ma’ valuri soċjali u Nsara…

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L-Awtorità tal-Kristjani tiġi mill-Ispirtu s-Santu – il-Papa Franġisku

  • A Christian’s authority comes from the Holy Spirit, not from human wisdom or degrees in theology, said Pope Francis at morning Mass Tuesday, as he explained that Christian identity is having the Spirit of Christ, not the “spirit of the world”.

    The people were astonished at Christ’s teaching because he spoke with authority. Inspired by the passage from the Gospel Pope dwelt on the nature of Our Lord’s authority and, as a consequence that of the Christian…

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Ġesù ħaj fil-Vanġelu – il-Papa Franġisku

  • We need to proclaim the Gospel with humility not with ‘wise words’ because Jesus Himself is the power of the Word of God, and only those who have an open heart can receive Him said Pope Francis Monday morning, as he resumed his daily mass at Santa Marta after the summer break.

    Commenting on the readings of the day, the Pope explained what the Word of God is and how we should receive it…

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Il-Papa jitkellem fuq il-kura tal-ħolqien u l-valuri tal-Vanġelu

  • Pope Francis on Sunday called on the faithful and all people of good will to have greater care for creation. His appeal was offered to mark the Italian Bishops’ Day for the Safeguarding of Creation initiative, which the bishops have this year chosen to focus on educating in the care for creation. “I hope,” said Pope Francis, “that everyone – institutions, associations and citizens – will strengthen their efforts, so as to safeguard the life and health of people by respecting the environment and nature.”

    The Pope’s call came in remarks following the Angelus prayer with pilgrims and tourists gathered beneath the window of the Papal apartments in the Apostolic Palace that overlooks St…

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