Yearly Archives: 2014

Messaġġ tal-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna waqt seminar organizzat mill-Uffiċċju Djoċesan tal-Volontarjat

  • 25 ta’ Ottubru 2014
    Seminarju tal-Arċisqof, tal-Virtù

  • Grazzi ta’ din il-preżentazzjoni tal-‘Code of Ethics for Volunteers and Voluntary Organisations of the Archdiocese of Malta’. Naħseb li fil-futur qarib ikollna wkoll verżjoni bil-Malti ta’ dan id-dokument, imma l-iżjed ħaġa importanti li għandna quddiemna hija li noħolqu l-kultura li fiha nkunu nistgħu nħaddmu dan il-Kodiċi ta’ Etika…

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Messaġġ tal-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna waqt seminar organizzat mill-Uffiċċju Djoċesan tal-Volontarjat

  • 25 ta’ Ottubru 2014
    Seminarju tal-Arċisqof, tal-Virtù

    Grazzi ta’ din il-preżentazzjoni tal-‘Code of Ethics for Volunteers and Voluntary Organisations of the Archdiocese of Malta’. Naħseb li fil-futur qarib ikollna wkoll verżjoni bil-Malti ta’ dan id-dokument, imma l-iżjed ħaġa importanti li għandna quddiemna hija li noħolqu l-kultura li fiha nkunu nistgħu nħaddmu dan il-Kodiċi ta’ Etika…

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The Judge

  • ****

    Direttur: David Dobkin
    Atturi: Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton, Vera Farmiga
    Ħin: 141 minuti
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 15
    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 18
    Hank Palmer huwa avukat ta’ fama f’Chicago. Meta ommu tmut huwa jmur lura lejn pajjiżu, Carlinsville, belt rurali żgħira f’Indiana. Il-ħsieb tiegħu jkun li jmur għal funeral t’ommu u jerġa’ jitlaq jiġri lejn Chicago, l-iktar minħabba li xejn ma jkollu relazzjoni tajba ma’ missieru, l-Imħallef irrispettat Joseph Palmer, li ilu ma jkellmu minn mindu telaq lejn Chicago…

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Il-Papa f’Santa Marta: aħna msejħin inkunu ulied id-dawl

  • At morning Mass on Monday Pope Francis said that a conscientious examination of our words will help us understand whether we are Christians of light, Christians of darkness or Christians of grey areas.

    Reflecting on the First Reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, the Pope said men are recognizable by their words. By inviting Christians to behave as children of light, and not as children of darkness, St…

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Il-Papa fl-Angelus: li tħobb l’ Alla u l-proxxmu huma inseparabbli

  • Pope Francis prayed the Angelus with pilgrims and tourists gathered in St Peter’s Square beneath the window of the Papal apartments in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican on Sunday. In remarks ahead of the traditional prayer of Marian devotion, the Holy Father offered some reflections on the Gospel reading of the day, which was taken from Gospel according to St. Matthew (22:34-40)…

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Il-Papa Franġisku lill-moviment Schoenstatt: iż-żwieġ qatt ma ġie attakkat daqs illum

  • Pope Francis said the institution of Christian marriage has never been attacked so much as nowadays where a temporary or throw-away culture has become widespread. He said marriage should not be seen just a social rite and urged priests to stay close to couples and especially children experiencing the trauma of a family break-up. The Pope was replying to questions put to him on a range of topics during an audience with more than 7000 pilgrims belonging to the Schoenstatt movement, an international Marian and apostolic organization that is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its founding in Germany.  The movement now embraces members, both lay and clerics, from dozens of nations around the world…

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Kodiċi ta’ Etika għall-Voluntiera u għall-Għaqdiet Volontarji tal-Arċidjocesi ta’ Malta

  • Nhar is-Sibt 25 t’Ottubru 2014 ġie ppreżentat Il-Kodici ta’ Etika għall-Voluntiera u għall-Għaqdiet Volontarji tal-Arċidjocesi ta’ Malta lill-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna, Amministratur Appostoliku, waqt seminar li sar fis-Seminarju, tal-Virtù, organizzat mill-Uffiċċju Djoċesan tal-Volontarjat. Dan id-dokument tħejja mill-istess Uffiċċju, ppreżentat lill-Isqof mid-Direttur tal-uffiċċju, is-Sur Tony Micallef. Madwar 100 persuna li huma nvoluti f’oqsma differenti tal-volontarjat attendew għal dan is-seminar bit-tema: ‘Għall-qadi tal-bniedem: Il-viżjoni tal-Papa Franġisku’…

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Il-Papa: le għall-piena kapitali u kundizzjonijiet inumani fil-ħabs

  • Pope Francis on Thursday called on all men and women of good will to fight for the abolishment of the death penalty in “all of its forms” and for the improvement of prison conditions.

    The Pope was addressing a group of members of the International Association of Criminal Law whom he received in the Vatican.

    In his discourse the Pope also addressed the need to combat the phenomena of human trafficking and of corruption…

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Il-Papa fl-Udjenza: Il-Knisja, il-Ġisem ta’ Kristu

  • Divisions, jealousies, misunderstandings and marginalization do not help the Church to grow as the Body of Christ, they shatter it into many pieces, they dismember it. Instead we should remember that we – as the Body of Christ – are called to appreciate the gifts and the quality of others in our communities.

    The Church as the Body of Christ was the focus of Pope Francis general audience this Wednesday morning, attended by tens of thousands of pilgrims and tourists in an autumnal St…

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