Yearly Archives: 2014

Lejn Ewropa fraterna u solidali

  • Europe is a community of life and destiny. Facing the social crisis, Christians have all the tools at their disposal to fashion a Europe of greater fraternity and solidarity that puts people at the heart of its project. The current crisis offers Christians an opportunity to engage in innovative and decided ways for a Europe of solidarity and peace.
    This is the feeling that emerges from the interaction between the participants, lay, religious and bishops, who gathered on the occasion of the 2nd Catholic Social Days for Europe…

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Ix-xhieda tal-martri u l-koeżistenza, it-temi maġġuri taż-żjara tal-Papa fl-Albania

  • Pope Francis hast left the Albanian capital, Tirana, at the end of his one day visit to the former communist country. After a brief farewell ceremony, as the president and prime minister said goodbye to their special guest, the Pope’s Alitalia plane took off slightly ahead of schedule and was expected to arrive back in Rome just before 9.30pm.

    The brief, but very intense 11 hour journey to Albania has been focused on two main themes: the witness of the martyrs and the importance of peaceful co-existence…

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Omelija tal-Arċisqof waqt il-Quddiesa Pontifikali fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum l-Indipendenza

  • Konkatridral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta
    21 ta’ Settembru 2014

    Din is-sena, iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Indipendenza tieħu valur partikulari għax qegħdin niċċelebraw il-ħamsin sena minn mindu l-Poplu tagħna ħa f’idejh it-tmexxija ta’ pajjiżu. Hu unur għall-Poplu tagħna li minn mindu beda jmexxi lilu nnifsu għamel passi ta’ ġgant. Ta’ dan nirringrazzjaw ‘l Alla, kif nirringrazzjawH ukoll għall-fatt li Malta ħadet l-indipendenza mingħajr tixrid ta’ demm…

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Kappillan ġdid għall-Parroċċa ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar

    • L-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. ħatar lil Dun Evan Caruana bħala kappillan tal-parroċċa Madonna tal-Grazzja, Ħaż-Żabbar.

      Dun Evan Caruana twieled fit-2 ta’ Frar 1959. Huwa rċieva l-edukazzjoni tiegħu fil-Kulleġġ De La Salle, il-Birgu. Kompla l-istudju terzjarji (Filosofija u Teoloġija) fil-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija fl-Università ta’ Malta.

      Dun Evan ġie ordnat saċerdot fil-11 ta’ Lulju 1986. Huwa beda l-ħidma pastorali tiegħu

      fil-parroċċa ta’ San Pietru fil-Ktajjen, Birżebbuġa…

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Lecture pubblika mill-Ġiżwita Pierre de Charentenay S.J.

  • Visiting Jesuit Fr Pierre de Charentenay S.J., PhD, will deliver a public lecture entitled ‘Restoration of a Charism’ on Friday 26th September at 7.30pm at Mount St Joseph Retreat House, Tarġa Gap, Mosta, as part of the bicentenary commemorative events marking the 1814 restoration of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). 

    Pierre de Charentenay S.J., former president of the Jesuit Universities in Paris, France was also visiting Professor of Political Science at the Ateneo de Manila University…

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II Catholic Social Days for Europe

  • Greetings of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco & Cardinal Reinhard Marx

    Madrid, Friday 19 September  – “the Church is free to express a value judgement about everything that happens and believes to be good  – not to judge the hearts of people, but to refer to a more profound and realistic vision of the human person, the common good, and social relationships”, said yesterday Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa and CCEE Vice-President, in his welcoming address at the II Catholic Social Days for Europe, taking place in the Spanish capital until Sunday 21…

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L-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona u l-intrapriżi ż-żgħar

  • Il-Kummissjoni Pastorali fid-Dinja tax-xogħol tixtieq ittenni l-ħsieb f’waqtu li Mons. Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. għamel fl-okkażjoni tal-Festa Nazzjonali tal-Vitorja ta’ din is-sena.

    Mons. Arċisqof f’dan il-Jum Nazzjonali semma u kkummenta fuq ir-realtà tax-xogħol meta qal: ‘F’pajjiż żgħir bħal tagħna jista’ faċilment jiġri li l-avvanz ekonomiku mhux dejjem ikun ta’ ġid għall-iżvilupp ħolistiku tal-pajjiż. Jekk tiġi maħnuqa l-inizjattiva u l-ħidma tal-intrapriżi żgħar u medji minn dawk li huma msejħa l-ġganti tat-tkabbir ekonomiku, għada pitgħada dan jista’ jkun ta’ detriment għall-ekonomija ta’ pajjiżna…

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L-Ekonomija u l-ordni soċjali għandhom ikunu għas-servizz tal-persuna umana – il-Papa Franġisku

  • Pope Francis has sent a message – through his Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin – to the II Catholic Social Days for Europe, currently underway in Madrid.

    The message states that “one of the great challenges for the Church in Europe is to find effective ways to bring the light of the Gospel to bear upon the pressing issues which affect the continent”, which include teh plague of youth unemployment and rising tides of popularism…

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