Yearly Archives: 2014

L-intenzjonijiet għat-talb tal-Papa f’Awwissu

  • Pope Francis’ universal prayer intention for the month of August was released on Tuesday and focuses on “refugees, forced by violence to abandon their homes” that they may “find a generous welcome and the protection of their rights”.

    Ahead of the papal appeal the French government announced that it is ready to help facilitate asylum in its territory for Christians and other minorities fleeing an Islamist onslaught in Northern Iraq…

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Ikkonfermati id-dati taż-Żjara Papali fil-Filippini u s-Sri Lanka

    • The Holy See Press Office issued a comunique Tuesday confirming the dates of the Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father in Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

      Accepting the invitation from the civil authorities and the Episcopate, His Holiness Francis will make an Apostolic Trip to Sri Lanka from 12 to 15 January and in the Philippines from 15 to 19 January 2015…

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L-Espulsjoni tal-Insara minn Mosul hija orribli – Justice and Peace Europe

  • A Call for Political Action by Justice and Peace Europe

    Since the beginning of June ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and in Syria), now IS (Islamic State), a militant Salafist group, has spread terror across Syria and Northern Iraq and occupied cities there, the largest being Mosul, the ancient Niniveh. With several thousand brutal fighters at present it rules an area about as large as Great Britain…

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Il-Papa intervistat minn gazzetta Arġentina

  • To mark the first 500 days of the pontificate of Pope Francis, the Argentinian weekly “Viva” (a supplement of the newspaper El Clarín) on Sunday published the first excerpts of an interview with Pope Francis conducted earlier this month.

    Pope Francis reflected on many things – including his memories of his youth, social issues such as immigration, and even the secret of happiness…

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INSET Course għall-Kindergarten Assistants u LSAs

  • Bħal kull sena, ma’ tmiem sena skolastika, id-Direttorat tal-Edukazzjoni fi ħdan is-Segretarjat tal-Edukazzjoni nisranija jorganizza tlett ijiem ta’ taħriġ għall-Kindergarten Assistants kif ukoll learning support assistants fl-iskejjel kindergarten tal-Knisja.

    Din is-sena dan il-kors sar fl-iskola St. Anġela, f’Tas-Sliema, u attendew għalih madwar sebgħin participanta mill-iskejjel St. Anġela, Teresa Nuzzo, St. Francis, St. Monica, St. Joseph u anke St. Tereża, u l-Konservatorju t’Għawdex…

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‘One of Us’ iressqu applikazzjoni wara li l-Kummisjoni Ewropea tirrifjuta l-akbar petizzjoni fl-istorja Ewropea

  • The organisers of the largest petition in European history which called for an end to European funding of research that destroys human embryos have taken their case to the General Court of the European Union after the European Commission vetoed the initiative in May.

    On July 25th, members of the Citizen’s Initiative “One of Us” lodged an application before the court in Luxembourg against the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, and the European Parliament, asking for the annulment of the Commission’s veto…

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Valutazzjoni għat-tagħlim implementata fl-Iskejjel Sekondarji tal-Knisja

    • The Department of Assessment together with subject Heads of Department within the Secretariat for Catholic Education, and all educators at St. Elias College, St. Francis School, and St. Albert the Great College, came together to discuss and share practices of how ‘Assessment for Learning’ can be implemented in their teaching.

  • Hosted at St…

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Il-Papa jappella għal paċi fil-Lvant Nofsani, l-Iraq u l-Ukraina

    • Pope Francis on Sunday made another urgent appeal for an end to the conflicts in the Middle East, in Iraq and in Ukraine. Speaking after his regular Angleus address to thousands of people gathered in a hot and sunny St Peter’s Square, the Pope spoke of the victims of war, in particular the children who die or are injured and orphaned by the violence…

  • “….bambini morti, bambini feriti, bambini mutilate….”

    I think especially, the Pope said, of the children whose hopes for a dignified future are taken from them, dead children, injured and mutilated children, orphans and children who have bits of weapons as toys, children who don’t know how to smile…

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Il-Fondazzjoni li tmexxi l-Iskola ‘Sacred Heart’ tgħaddi f’idejn l-Arċidjoċesi

  • Is-Soċjetà tas-Sorijiet tal-Qalb Imqaddsa ta’ Ġesù (Sisters of the Sacred Heart) għaddew l-Fondazzjoni li tmexxi l-iskola f’San Ġiljan (Foundation of the Convent of the Sacred Heart School) fir-responsabbiltà tal-Arċisqof ta’ Malta. Dan sar permezz ta’ ftehim li ġie ffirmat llum, l-Erbgħa 23 ta’ Lulju 2014, bejn Sr Bernardette Porter, Ekonoma Ġenerali, u Sr Carmen Valentino, Delegata, f’isem is-Soċjetà tal-Qalb Imqaddsa ta’ Ġesù, u Dr Michelle Tabone, Ekonoma, f’isem l-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P…

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