Arkivji mensili: Frar 2015

Il-Papa Franġisku: Id-demm tal-Kopti Nsara maqtula huwa ‘xhieda li jesprimi niket kbir’

  • Pope Francis on Monday denounced the murder of 21 Coptic Christians by ISIL militants in Libya. The Islamist terrorist organization released a video of the killings on Sunday. 

    Speaking in Spanish to an ecumenical delegation from the Church of Scotland, the Holy Father noted those killed only said “Jesus help me.”

    “They were murdered just for the fact they were Christians,” Pope Francis said…

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Mill-Konċistorju: Kardinali mill-periferiji

  • Among the 20 new cardinals created by Pope Francis Saturday are men drawn from churches on the peripheries of the ecclesial and geographical world. 

    Just how far do the peripheries of the Church extend? 
    For an answer, you could go to Google maps or get out your world atlas. Or you could simply look at the countries from which the 20 new cardinals come, and see for yourself: from Mozambique to Mexico, from Thailand to Tonga…

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Messaġġ Pastorali għar-Randan 2015

  • Sawm: Stennija – Antiċipazzjoni – Wens – Maħfra
  • Għeżież ħuti Nsara, 

    Fil-bidu ta’ dan ir-Randan Imqaddes tas-sena 2015, u bi preparazzjoni għall-mixja li ser nagħmlu f’dan iż-żmien, xtaqt inwassal messaġġ qasir lil kull wieħed u waħda minnkom.

    Darba minnhom, il-Fariżej u l-kittieba staqsew lil Ġesù għaliex id-dixxipli tiegħu ma kinux qed isumu…

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Kardinal Ingliż irtirat jesprimi tamietu dwar ir-riforma fil-Vatikan

  • Church leaders have been arriving in Rome from around the world for a two day meeting of the College of Cardinals which precedes the public consistory taking place on today and tomorrow.

    During the closed door meeting in the Synod Hall, which opened on Thursday morning, the Church leaders will be discussing proposed reforms of the Curia that the Group of 9 cardinals has been working on earlier this week…

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Ċelebrazzjoni fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum il-Morda

  • Nhar l-Erbgħa, 11 ta’ Frar 2015, l-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna, Amministratur Appostoliku, iċċelebra Quddiesa għall-morda fit-tifkira tal-ewwel dehra tal-Madonna f’Lourdes u fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum il-Morda, fis-Santwarju ta’ Santa Tereża, Birkirkara.

    L-Omelija tal-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna fil-Quddiesa ta’ Jum il-Morda

  • Santwarju Santa Tereża, Birkirkara
    11 ta’ Frar 2015

    Insellem lill-Aġent President ta’ Malta…

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Ir-Riforma fil-Kurja, fiċ-ċentru tal-Konċistorju Straordinarju

  • A total of 165 cardinals participated in yesterday’s first session of the Extraordinary Consistory with the Holy Father. Twenty-five were unable to attend due to illness or other serious problems, according to a report from the director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., following the morning meeting.

    Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga explained that the meeting of the Council of Cardinals (the so-called “C9”) which came to an end on Wednesday afternoon, focused primarily but not exclusively on the reform of the Curia; other themes addressed were the regulation of the Synod, the work of the Commission for the Protection of Minors, and relations with the economic entities of the Holy See (COSEA and IOR)…

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Tliet kandidati ġodda għas-Saċerdozju

  • Nhar il-Ħadd 15 ta’ Frar 2015, tliet seminaristi ser jitolbu lill-Knisja biex tilqagħhom uffiċjalment bħala kandidati għall-Ordni tad-Djakonat u tal-Presbiterat waqt konċelebrazzjoni mmexxija mill-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna, fil-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu, il-Gżira, fis-6:00pm.

    It-tliet seminaristi, li bħalissa jinsabu fil-ħames sena tal-formazzjoni fis-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof, huma Sinclair Bugeja mill-Parroċċa tal-Familja Mqaddsa, l-Iklin, Ryan Lee Pace mill-Parroċċa tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu, il-Gżira, u Mark Spiteri mill-Parroċċa ta’ San Filep, Ħaż-Żebbuġ…

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Il-Papa Franġisku jappella għas-solidarjetà u għajnuna għall-immigranti

  • Pope Francis has appealed for solidarity and aid for migrants who cross the Mediterranean Sea in search of refuge.

    His call for increased attention and aid follows news of the death of over 300 migrants who have drowned or died of hypothermia  in the latest deadly tragedy of the sea.

    In his appeal at the end of the weekly General Audience, the Pope said he is “following with preoccupation news from Lampedusa where there have been more deaths amongst the migrants caused by cold during their journey across the Mediterranean”…

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The Pyramid

    • **

      Direttur: Gregory Levasseur
      Atturi: Ashley Hinshaw, James Buckley, Denis O’Hare, Christa Nicola
      Ħin: 89 minuti
      Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 15
      Klassifika tal-Knisja: 15

      Tim ta’ arkeoloġisti, magħmul minn Miles Holiday u binthu Nora flimkien man-nies tagħhom, isibu piramida midfun taħt ir-ramel fl-Eġittu u jiddeċiedu li jgħidu lil Sunni, ġurnalista amerikana, u l-camerman tagħha, Fitzie, biex jiddokumentaw l-iskoperta tagħhom…

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The Theory of Everything

  • ****
    Direttur: James Marsh
    Atturi: Eddy Redmayne, Felicity Jones, David Thewlis

    Ħin: 123 minuti
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 12A
    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 15
    Fl-1963 Stephen Hawking ta’ 22 sena jkun student brillanti fl-universita’ ta’ Cambridge, għadu inċert f’liema qasam irid jispeċjaliżża. Huwa twil, irqiq u ta’ dehra goffa u xi ftit żgarbat, iżda dan ma’ jwaqqfux milli jibni relazzjoni ma Jane, studenta attraenti ta’ l-arti…

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