Arkivji mensili: Awwissu 2015

Hot Pursuit

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    Direttur: Anne Fletcher

    Atturi: Reese Witherspoon, Sofia Vergara, Michael Mosley

    Ħin: 89 minuti


    Klassifika tal-Gvern: PG

    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 15

    Rose Cooper hija pulizzija f’belt żgħira f’Texas; missierha kien pulizzija magħruf u mfaħħar ħafna, iżda hija  ġiet assenjatha tagħmel xogħol wara d-desk wara żbal goff li kienet għamlet u li għadu jissemma’ sal-llum…

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Il-Papa: Santa Tereża t’Avila – sors tal-verità u l-valuri

  • Pope Francis has sent a letter of greeting and encouragement to participants of an Interuniversity Congress on Saint Theresa of Avila.

    The letter, signed by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin on behalf of the Holy Father, expresses gratitude to the Academic world for highlighting the relevance of Saint Theresa’s teachings.

    Organized by the Catholic University of “Santa Teresa de Jesus de Avila” in collaboration with other Catholic Universities, the 3-day Congress entitled “St…

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Il-Papa Franġisku: ‘Ġesù huwa l-Ħobż tal-Ħajja’

  • Pope Francis has urged the faithful to look beyond material needs and turn to Jesus who is “the bread of life”. The Pope’s words came as he addressed the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus.  Taking his cue from the Gospel reading of the day which tells of the crowd that went looking for Jesus, not because they saw the signs but because they had eaten the loaves of bread and were filled, Pope Francis pointed out that those people gave more value to the bread than to He who gave them the bread…
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L-Arċisqof Auza jindirizza l-Kunsill tas-Sigurta tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti

  • Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, addressed the UN Security Council on Thursday. His address was directed to the Council’s open debate on “Peace and Security Challenges facing Small Island Developing States (SIDS)”, drawing heavily on Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato si’. 

    Please find below Archbishop Auza’s full address:

    Intervention of H.E…

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