Arkivji mensili: April 2017

Konkluż f’Barċellona s-simposju tas-CCEE dwar iż-żgħażagħ

  • The Symposium in Barcelona on accompanying young people, organised by the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE) was concluded on Friday 31st March 2017. The meeting, which began last Tuesday, 28 March, was attended by 275 experts from all over Europe who work for the Bishops’ Conferences in the various sectors linked with accompanying young people: Youth, Vocations, University, School and Catechesis…

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‘Re-thinking Europe’

L-Isqfijiet iniedu riflessjoni konġunta ma’ rappeżentanti politiċi għolja f’Ruma

  • At the opening of the Spring Plenary, COMECE President Cardinal Marx reaffirmed the strong support of the Catholic Church for the European project: “There is no suitable alternative to cooperation in Europe, because working together is the best way to maintain peace in Europe, to meet the economic and social challenges of globalization, and to become again a point of reference for humanity, as Pope Francis hopes for Europe.”

    In view of Brexit, Cardinal Marx explained that the Church has always supported the unification process and solidarity among Member Sates and therefore regrets that the UK will leave the Union…

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