Arkivji mensili: Awwissu 2017

L-Evanġelju tal-jum: 2 ta’ Awwissu

  • San Mattew 13:44-46

    F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lid-dixxipli tiegħu: “Is-Saltna tas-Smewwiet tixbah lil teżor moħbi f’għalqa, li wieħed raġel isibu u jaħbih, u kollu ferħan imur ibigħ kulma jkollu u jixtri dik l-għalqa.

    Tixbah ukoll is-Saltna tas-Smewwiet lil wieħed neguzjant ifittex ġawhar fin; meta sab ġawhra tiswa ħafna, mar biegħ kulma kellu u xtara lilha”.

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12-il invenzjoni u skoperta mill-Ġiżwiti u li forsi ma kontx taf

  • If not for the Society of Jesus, we would not be enjoying some basics taken for granted in the modern world. Nerdy academic Jesuits and their swashbuckling, globe-trotting missionary brothers have made significant contributions not only in astronomy, seismology, mathematics and technology, but also in theatre, botany, medicine and international cuisine.

    1. The Calender   Christopher Clavius, S.J. (1538–1612), was a renowned German mathematician and astronomer who modified Aloysius Lilius’ initial proposal for the Gregorian Calendar, the internationally-accepted civil calendar we use today, which was promulgated in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII…

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Il-Knisja fil-Kenja titlob għal elezzjoni presidenzjali paċifika

  • The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops has invited the faithful in the 26 Dioceses of the country and all people of good will, to join in praying for the country. In a press statement issued 28 July 2017 at the Catholic Secretariat in Nairobi, by all the Bishops, the prelates propose to start Novena prayers for peaceful elections from 30 July to 7 August 2017…

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L-Evanġelju tal-jum: 1 ta’ Awwissu

  • San Mattew 13:36-43 

    F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù ħalla n-nies u mar id-dar. Resqu lejh id-dixxipli tiegħu u qalulu: “Fissirhielna l-parabbola tas-sikrana fl-għalqa”.

    U weġibhom: “Dak li jiżra’ ż-żerriegħa t-tajba huwa Bin il-bniedem. L-għalqa hija d-dinja; iż-żerriegħa t-tajba huma wlied is-Saltna; is-sikrana huma wlied il-Ħażin, u l-għadu li żeragħha huwa x-Xitan. Il-ħsad ifisser tmiem id-dinja, u l-ħassada l-anġli…

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