Arkivji mensili: Frar 2018

Referendum Irlanda: Isqof jenfasizza r-rigal tal-ħajja umana

  • The Chair of the Consultative Group on Bioethics of Irish Bishops Conference, Bishop Kevin Doran has expressed serious reservations over proposed legislation to be introduced if Ireland votes to lift a constitutional ban on most abortions.
  • Details of a May referendum on repealing the eighth amendment of the country’s constitution were announced on Monday by the Irish Prime Minister…

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L-Evanġelju tal-jum: 1 ta’ Frar

  • San Mark 6:7-13 

    F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù sejjaħ it-Tnax, u beda jibgħathom tnejn tnejn, filwaqt li tahom is-setgħa fuq l-ispirti ħżiena. U wissiehom biex ma jieħdu xejn magħhom għat-triq ħlief ħatar: la ħobż, la ħorġa, lanqas flus fi ħżiemhom; imma li jilbsu l-qrieq u ma jxiddux żewġ ilbiesi.

    Qalilhom: “Fejn tidħlu f‘xi dar, ibqgħu fiha sa ma titilqu minn hemmhekk…

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