Yearly Archives: 2018

Il-Papa Franġisku f’Pentekoste: L-Ispirtu s-Santu jbiddel il-qlub

  • In his homily on Pentecost Sunday delivered before thousands of the faithful gathered in St Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis focused on the action of the Holy Spirit expressed in the Scripture readings from the Acts of the Apostles, St Paul’s letter to the Galatians, and St John’s Gospel.

    The Holy Spirit changes hearts

    The Spirit transforms the hearts of the timid disciples from fearful men, “huddled behind closed doors”, to bold men who “bear witness to [Jesus]” (Jn 15:27), the Pope said…

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“Għeżież żgħażagħ, tibżgħux minn Ġesù u mill-Knisja tiegħu!” – Il-Papa Franġisku

  • A newly married couple snaps a selfie with Pope Francis at the Wednesday general audience on Feb. 4, 2015.


  • Sharing the Gospel with people at the peripheries might not even require stepping outside the door, Pope Francis said Saturday, encouraging Christians to evangelize through encounters in the “digital world.”

    Especially for young people, “the ends of the earth…are quite relative and always easily ‘navigable,’” he said March 19…

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Pentekoste hi ċelebrazzjoni ta’ possibiltajiet

  • When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together… Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.”
    —Acts 2:1, 4


  • Jesus had promised his Apostles that “the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you” (John 14:26)…

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L-Evanġelju tal-Ħadd: 20 ta’ Mejju

  • Għid il-Ħamsin – Solennità

    San Ġwann 15:26-27; 16:12-15 

    F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal lid-dixxipli tiegħu: “Meta jiġi d-Difensur, li se nibagħtilkom mingħand il-Missier, l-Ispirtu tal-verità, li ġej mill-Missier, huwa jixhed għalija. U intom ukoll tixhdu, għax intom kontu miegħi sa mill-bidu. Baqagħli ħafna ħwejjeġ x’ngħidilkom, imma għalissa ma tifilħux għalihom.

    Meta jiġi hu, l-Ispirtu tal-verità, iwassalkom għall-verità kollha; għaliex hu ma jgħid xejn minn tiegħu, imma jgħid dak li jisma’, u jħabbrilkom il-ġejjieni…

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“Meta nistaqsu, ‘Fejn hu Alla’, ejjew inħarsu lejn il-Mulej imsallab” – L-Arċisqof

L-Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa mal-pazjenti u voluntiera ta' Hospice Movement

  • L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna


  • Knisja Parrokkjali, l-Iklin
    3 ta’ Mejju 2018

    Filippu jidħol fi djalogu ma’ Ġesù f’kuntest emottiv ħafna għal Ġesù, li hija l-aħħar ikla tiegħu  mad-dixxipli qabel il-mewt. U f’dan il-mument Ġesù jaqsam mad-dixxipli dak kollu li hemm fil-qalb tiegħu. Filippu jistaqsih dwar l-identità tiegħu, u hu jinsisti li huwa ħaġa waħda mal-Missier…

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Isqfijiet Ċileni jitolbu maħfra tal-iskandlu tal-abbuż sesswali u joffru r-riżenja tagħhom

  • Members of Chile’s bishops conference release a statement in which they offer to resign following the clerical sex abuse scandal in their country.


  • Following three days of meetings with Pope Francis in the Vatican, the bishops of Chile met the press and read a statement in which they thanked the Pope for having listened to them “paternally and for having offered his fraternal correction” during these days “of reflection and prayer”…

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L-Evanġelju tal-jum: 19 ta’ Mejju

  • Is-Sibt tas-Seba’ Ġimgħa tal-Għid

    San Ġwann 21:20-25

    F’dak iż-żmien, Pietru dar, u ra lid-dixxiplu li kien iħobb Ġesù miexi warajhom, dak id-dixxiplu li waqt l-ikla kien imtedd fuq sider Ġesù u qallu: “Mulej, min hu li se jittradik?”. Pietru, mela, kif ra lil dan, qal lil Ġesù: “U dan, Mulej, x’se jsir minnu?”. Ġesù qallu: “Inti x’inhi affarik jekk jiena rridu jibqa’ sa ma niġi? …

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Irrestawrata pittura tal-Inkurunazzjoni tal-Verġni Marija fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann

  • Il-Fondazzjoni tal-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann kixfet ir-restawr li sar fuq il-pittura kbira u maestuża tal-Inkurunazzjoni tal-Verġni Marija, intervent li kien ferm bżonnjuż.

    “Bħala pajjiż, għandna legat kulturali b’saħħtu li jsawwar l-identità tagħna, u permezz tar-restawr ta’ din il-pittura qegħdin ngħinu sabiex nippreservaw u nipproteġu dan il-legat għal ġenerazzjonijiet futuri.F’dawn l-aħħar snin, il-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann kellu bosta proġetti li jirrigwardaw ir-restawr li għenu biex jiżdied aktar l-apprezzament mill-komunità lejn dan il-monument storiku,” stqarr il-Ministru għall-Kultura Owen Bonnici…

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Il-Papa Franġisku jibgħat ittra lill-isqfijiet Ċileni

  • At the conclusion of three days of “fraternal” meetings, Pope Francis hands the following letter to the 34 Chilean bishops with whom he had closely examined the clerical sex abuse scandal that has tarnished the image of the Latin American Church in recent decades:


  • To the bishops of Chile:

    Dear brothers in the episcopate,

    I wish to thank you for having accepted my invitation so that, together, we may make a frank discernment regarding the serious events which have damaged the ecclesial communion and undermined the work of the Church in Chile in recent years…

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