Ejja navvanzaw il-kawża tal-umanità permezz ta’ patt Ewropew dwar l-immigrazzjoni u l-ażil – COMECE
Messaġġ tal-Isqfijiet Ewropew fil-Jum Internazzjonali għall-Immigranti
19/12/2023On the occasion of the International Migrants Day celebrated on 18 December 2023, the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) expressed some underlying principles that should guide the ongoing trilogue negotiations on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum.
These principles should orient the policy makers to put in place legislations and mechanisms that ensure a fair, just and humane treatment of every regular or irregular migrant or asylum seeker arriving at EU borders, at any stage of procedures… Kompli aqra »