Interrupting Violence towards Youth (IVY) has launched an inspiring and impactful book aimed at the youth community in partnership with the St Jeanne Antide Foundation. The book is being distributed for free across Malta and Gozo in collaboration with local youth groups, entities and professionals working with or for youth, and youth centres.

Available in both English and Maltese, this thought-provoking book is tailored for young readers aged 14 to 16. Through a collection of engaging short stories, it explores the world of healthy relationships. Beyond portraying various relationship dynamics, the book provides invaluable guidance on self-worth and how to access support for building happier, safer, and more positive relationships. The book’s relatable short stories are written by Leanne Dalli, followed by detailed and coherent guidance pages written by Erica Micallef Filletti. The illustrations are by Ed Dingli and Charmain Magbanua, with the entire book being translated to Maltese by Elaine Vidal.

“IVY’s Handbook for Healthy Relationships’ is a safe platform for young readers to relate to and reflect upon different types of relationships. It goes beyond storytelling, providing supportive, empowering, and proactive guidance on seeking help and enhancing self-worth for happier, safer, and more positive connections,” explained Micallef Filletti.

The IVY initiative was made possible through funding from the BeActive Scheme 2023, managed by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, with publication rights owned by the St Jeanne Antide Foundation IVY.