Rev. Prof. Carl-Mario Sultana, Head of the Department of Pastoral Theology, Liturgy and Canon Law within the Faculty of Theology, has been elected President of the Équipe Européenne de Catéchèse for the next four years. 

The election took place during the bi-annual Congress of the Équipe held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania between 29 May and 3 June 2024. The theme of the congress was ‘Liturgy, Catechesis and Human Experience’.

The Équipe Européenne de Catéchèse is an association that brings together those responsible for catechesis in European countries and those who are professionally engaged in catechesis around Europe, including directors of academic institutes, catechetical formation centres and experts in catechesis. Its purpose is to facilitate the encounter and exchange between those responsible for catechesis at the European level and to encourage research and reflection on catechesis in contemporary European society. 

The other members of the new Standing Committee come from Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Romania. The President represents the members of the Équipe coming from all European countries and is often asked to give expert advice on topical issues. He is responsible for organising the bi-annual Congress during which members of the Équipe Européenne de Catéchèse share their experience and explore a catechetical theme of European significance.