World Mission Sunday, established 98 years ago by Pope Pius XI, is a universal day of prayer and reflection for Catholic missions, reaffirming the Church’s dedication to the universal mission of evangelisation. Pope Francis’ message for 2024 World Mission Sunday is centred on the Gospel of Matthew: “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet,” encouraging us to be a part of the call to invite everyone to experience the joy of Christ.

“Let us not forget that every Christian is called to take part in this universal mission by offering his or her witness to the Gospel in every context so that the whole Church can continually go forth with her Lord and Master to the “crossroads” of today’s world. Today’s drama in the Church is that Jesus keeps knocking on the door, but from within so we will let him out! Often we end up being an ‘imprisoning’ Church which does not let the Lord out, which keeps him as ‘its own’, whereas the Lord came for mission and wants us to be missionaries” 

Pope Francis

Read more to find out what a few volunteers who have been on mission and voluntary work abroad experienced this year:

Robert Farrugia

I’ve had many experiences that left a lasting impression on me, and I’ll carry them with me forever. But there’s one that stands out every time I return to it—the feeling is always the same. It’s the deep sense of community. People know each other by name, genuinely care for one another, look out for each other, share what they have, and offer support whenever it’s needed. Children play together, and the sense of love and belonging is unmistakable. Every time I’m there, it takes me back to my own childhood, reminding me of a time when communities were connected, something we’ve sadly lost here in Malta. That sense of connection feels distant now, but in these moments, I remember how powerful it can be.

Donations to MISSIO can be made at: MISSIO

Maria Formosa

Volunteering had long been a dream of mine, which I had to delay for several reasons. This year, I felt a strong calling and, despite my initial hesitation about Ethiopia and the challenging work at the Home of the Dying, the desire grew. At first, the experience was overwhelming, and I wanted to return to Malta. However, after a few days, I began to embrace life in Ethiopia. My mornings were filled with tasks like distributing medicine, praying with the sick, sorting medicine, and helping the sisters with patient care. After lunch, we visited children recovering in a separate area, who were always delighted by our presence. The simplicity with which the people of Ethiopia found joy, even in our small gestures, taught me a profound life lesson.

I felt significant reverse culture shock upon returning home. The luxuries we take for granted, such as walking safely down the street with a mobile phone, jewellery, or purse, sleeping in a comfortable bed, or taking a good shower, were stark reminders of the simplicity I had adapted to in Ethiopia. The slow, beautiful routine of waking up early, working with and loving the patients and children, and caring for our small community had become my new normal. It was hard to say goodbye to the sisters, patients, children, and our community, which had become like a family. Nevertheless, the lessons learned and experiences shared during those weeks will remain imprinted in our hearts forever.

For more information please visit: Chaplaincy Uni

Sr Ramona Privitelli

Bejn l-24 ta’ Lulju u l-4 t’Awwissu 2024, flimkien ma’ erbgħa żgħażagħ, tlajna Ruma għal esperjenza ta’ volontarjat fejn konna qed ngħinu ġewwa Ċentru Arrupe, struttura tal-Ġiżwiti li tilqa’ familji refuġjati, żgħażagħ taħt l-età refuġjati, kif ukoll nisa u tfal tagħhom li jsibuha diffiċli biex irabbu lil uliedhom. Konna morru f’soup kitchen imexxija wkoll mill-Ġiżwiti, Centro Astalli, fejn kulljum konna nqassmu ikel lil madwar 200 ruħ. Kull ġurnata kienet mimlija sfidi, iżda wkoll opportunitajiet li nuru solidarjetà u mħabba lejn dawk li jinsabu fil-bżonn. Dan l-impenn ħalla impatt qawwi fuqna, aħna konna nagħtu ġesti żgħar ta’ għajnuna u ħniena imma konna nirċievu lura ħafna mħabba.

Għalkemm ilna snin li ntellgħu żgħażagħ għal esperjenzi ta’ volontarjat bħal dawn, kull sena toffri xi ħaġa unika, b’kull żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa jitgħallmu minn din il-mixja. Esperjenzi bħal dawn jgħallmuk dwar il-valur tal-għotja, il-ġenerożità, u l-vera sbuħija tal-qalb umana. Kif tgħid Santa Giovanna Antida Thouret: “Qatt ma nkunu aktar kuntenti milli meta nkunu qed ngħinu lil ħaddieħor.” Din hija l-essenza tal-volontarjat: tfisser li ngħixu mhux biss għalina nfusna, iżda wkoll għall-oħrajn, u b’hekk insiru sors ta’ tama u faraġ għal dawk li huma vulnerabbli.

Esperjenzi bħal dawn ma jintesewx. Sena ma tkun qatt bħal oħra, iżda dejjem ikunu esperjenzi mimlijin mħabba li jħallu marka fil-qlub taż-żgħażagħ, joffru tfakkira li l-ġid hu dejjem possibbli jekk inwettquh b’imħabba u kompassjoni.

Adam McCarthy

Our mission in Egypt was to help the Missionaries of Charity to organise two summer camps for children. In Mokattam, the children came from families working as ‘Zebellin’, people who process garbage. In Shoubra, their backgrounds were materially a bit better, although the social realities of the children were in some cases more dire. 

What was the same for both was the joy with which they would take the opportunity to be children. ‘Just’ children. Having fun, playing, laughing, crying; not separating plastics and aluminium to help their parents; not being responsible for more than they should. The summer camp let them be what they should be.

For more information please visit: Chaplaincy Uni

Fr Christopher Bugeja

L-esperjenza missjunarja f’Iquitos, fl-Amazonija tal-Peru, kienet esperjenza li tibdlek; iżżarmak u terġa tibnik bniedem aħjar. Meta tgħix ħajja ġenn u b’enfażi kbira fuq ħwejjeġ materjali, tibda, mingħajr ma trid, tinsa int min int, tibda tinqata’ minnek innifsek u minn ma’ Alla. Il-ħajja sempliċi ta’ Iquitos għenet lill-parteċipanti biex ineħħu il-ġenn għall-affarijiet materjali u jerġgħu jiskopru huma min verament huma.

L-esperjenza missjunarja f’Iquitos laqqgħatna ma’ Dun Raymond Portelli, tabib u qassis, li l-imħabba u d-dedikazzjoni tiegħu biex jagħti d-dinjità lil ħafna nies li tilfuha jew li teħditilhom, tgħinek tinduna verament x’inhuma l-affarijiet verament essenzjali. Esperjenza bħal din li fiha ħabbatna wiċċna ma’ faqar, nuqqas ta’ mediċini, imma ukoll ħafna ferħ, għallmitna ħafna dwar il-ħniena t’Alla u dwar l-importanza li jkollna atteġġjament ta’ ringrazzjament għal kollox u għal kullħadd. Jekk ikollok l-opportunità li tagħmel esperjenza missjunarja, titlifhiex! Esperjenzi bħall-dawn jgħinuk issir bniedem aħjar u jkabbrulek qalbek!

Għal iktar informazzjoni żur: The Road to Peru

Marica Cassar

Dan is-Sajf, flimkien ma’ tliet persuni oħra, kelli l-opportunità li mmur fuq missjoni l-Kenya, f’Olishiboor. Għalkemm f’ħajti s-safar huwa ta’ xi ħaġa li nippjana minn żmien għal żmien bħala vaganza, ikolli nammeti li din kienet esperjenza li se tibqa’ mnaqqxa f’qalbi; għax kif nista’ ninsa l-uċuh tat-tfal li għexna magħhom, kif nista’ ninsa l-għajnejn li anki jekk ma stajniex nikkomunikaw bil-lingwa, l-għajnejn tkellmu. Meta ġejt lura Malta, ħassejt li biċċa minni ħallejtha hemm, biċċa minni li kellha ħafna rabja, ħafna ferħ, ħafna mistoqsijiet! Kif nista’ nifhem li tfal mit-twelid tagħhom, mingħajr ma għażlu jitwieldu f’faqar assolut, fil-miżerja? Kif nista’ naċċetta li tifel jew tifla ma tistax tilgħab bil-ġugarelli, toħlom f’dak li tixtieq tagħmel għada imma l-unika mira forsi tkun jekk hux se jirnexxielha tiekol xi ħaġa żgħira biex ma tmutx. Kif nista’ nibqa’ passiva quddiem din ir-realtà ta’ tbatija kbira? Dawn u ħafna iktar mistoqsijiet għadhom jiġu quddiem għajnejja ta’ kuljum.

Tagħtini ħafna faraġ waħda mill-kwotazzjonijiet tal-qaddisa taż-żmienna Mother Theresa li tgħid li jekk ma tistax titma nazzjon sħiħ, ħossok tajjeb li tmajt almenu persuna waħda. Finalment meta tkun sejjer f’dan il-vjaġġ tibda tħares kemm se tkun qed tagħti mill-ħin tiegħek u wkoll kemm se tgħin lil ħaddieħor, imma fir-realtà ninsab grata immens li minn din l-esperjenza irċevejt ħafna jien; fost kollox li ngħożż u napprezza l-ħajja li tant qed nitilfu mis-sabiħ tas-sempiliċià tagħha u li qed ngħixu f’rutina sfrenata u programmata…

Għal iktar informazzjoni żur: Caritas Malta

André Psaila

Fir-raba’ sena ta’ formazzjoni bħala seminaristi nagħmlu esperjenza fi djoċesi f’pajjiż differenti, sabiex nesperjenzaw ir-realtà tal-istess Knisja waħda ta’ Kristu, f’ambjent differenti. Għalhekk, minn Lulju tas-sena l-oħra sa Mejju ta’ din is-sena għamilt esperjenza fid-Djoċesi ta’ Darwin, l-Awstralja. Matul dawn ix-xhur kelli l-opportunità li nagħmel diversi esperjenzi pastorali, bħal f’żewġ sptarijiet, skola kattolika, il-grupp taż-żgħażagħ tal-parroċċa tal-Katidral u kif ukoll l-RCIA. Biss, waħda mill-aktar esperjenzi li ser nibqa’ ngħożż f’qalbi hija l-ftit ġimgħat li għamilt f’Wurrumiyanga, fil-Gżejjer Tiwi. Dawn il-gżejjer jinsabu 80km ‘il bogħod minn Darwin, u huma gżejjer abitati minn persuni indiġeni. Ħassejtni tassew milqugħ fost il-komunità, hekk kif kont preżenti magħhom, fil-liturġija, fliskejjel Kattoliċi, u anke f’dar tal-anzjani li hemm viċin.

Minkejja d-diffikultajiet materjali li jeżistu f’din il-komunità, apprezzajt ħafna il-fidi tagħhom f’Alla b’mod partikolari kif espressa fil-liturġija. Illum il-ġurnata, f’Wurrumiyanga, hemm żewġ saċerdoti missjunarji tal-Kelma t’Alla, soru tal-kongregazzjoni internazzjonali Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, u anke komunità ta’ sorijiet Kanossjani. Dawn kollha huma reliġjużi li ħallew pajjiżhom biex jaqdu lill-poplu t’Alla f’dawn il-Gżejjer. Kemm l-esperjenza fid-Djoċesi inġenerali u anke din l-esperjenza sabiħa fil-Gżejjer Tiwi, kienu ta’ eżempju ħaj xi jfisser dan il-kmand ta’ Ġesu’ fi tmiem l-Evanġelju skont San Mattew, “Morru, mela, agħmlu dixxipli mill-ġnus kollha..” (Mt 28, 19a)

Emily Camilleri

This summer, I had the privilege of participating in Lend a Hand’s volunteer program in Tanzania, alongside another 15 volunteers. We visited the 8 Sisters Pre & Primary School in Nyakaiga Village, with the aim of introducing students to new concepts such as IT skills and creative activities, training the educators in efficient school management and leadership, as well as refurbishing and painting the classrooms to improve the school’s condition. I focused on preparing lessons in Maths, English, Art, and Dance for the nursery class, and assisted with painting murals on the classroom walls. This experience was truly unforgettable. It was not only culturally enriching but also gave us a firsthand perspective on the challenges and rewards of working with children in a developing country. I reflected on the beauty of living in such simplicity, realising that peace and contentment come not from material possessions but from appreciating every small blessing in life.

For more information visit: Lend a Hand

Edward John Gauci

In August and September, I spent 20 days on a mission trip with Living Waters in Ethiopia, a non-profit under the Tabgha Foundation. Living Waters focuses on funding water projects in remote areas and running Catholic youth formation programs. We worked on education, youth formation, and cultural exchange in Arramo and Hawassa. My role combined my passion for teaching, music, and faith as I led sessions on the role of music in reflective moments as well as in more energetic performances.

In Ethiopia, I witnessed the struggles of daily life—lack of clean water, food, and clothing, which deepened my gratitude for what I have. Spiritually, the experience was enriching, as the local church community welcomed us with deep devotion and acts of kindness. Their trust in God amidst hardship was humbling. This mission transformed me as it expanded my understanding of poverty, privilege, and community. The relationships I formed with the people in Arramo and Hawassa were rooted in a mutual exchange of love, faith, and learning. It wasn’t just about what I could give them, but about what they gave me in return—their trust, their joy, and their strength.

For more information visit: Living Waters Mission Team

Saviour Agius

During my volunteering experience in the Philippines, I had the opportunity to work with children from an informal settlement – essentially, a community without stable housing. I was part of a group of 18 volunteers, and together we organized various workshops for kids ranging from young children to teens. One of the things that struck me the most was the incredible sense of joy and community these kids carried with them. Despite their challenging circumstances, they radiated happiness and held onto dreams of a better future. Perhaps the biggest realization for me was understanding that I couldn’t change their reality overnight. What I could do was be present with them, share in their world, and create moments of connection. Sometimes, just showing up and being there is enough – it’s exactly what they need at that moment.

The emotional journey was overwhelming. In such a short time, I felt frustration, helplessness, and sadness, but also deep joy, laughter, and hope. It was a whirlwind of emotions, and I’ll never forget the lessons I learned from them. What moved me most was their willingness to share what little they had. In their scarcity, they showed generosity, reminding me how different their values were from the ones we often find in societies where more is always seen as better. The truth is, there is such freedom in simplicity.

For more information visit: Oratorju MSSP

Fr Shawn Wong

My experience in Peru gave me an experience of the pastoral work of a bishop, priests, deacons and religious in the vast Apostolic Prelature of Huancané under the guidance of Bishop Giovann Cefai. It was eye-opening to see poverty up close and personal and to see the priests and religious having to catechise people who have deep faith but a very basic appreciation of Catholic doctrine.

Dea Lia

My missionary experience in Zambia this year was even more rewarding than last year. In 2023 I was too stunned to speak as I was exposed to the reality that some people live in, and it was a moment of realisation that whatever is shown on television is a harsh reality and not just a show.  This year, several kids remembered who I was from the year before. The highlight was seeing baby Rebecca once again after meeting her last year at the age of 2 months. At the time she was being taken care of by her 12-year-old sister as their mother had to go out to find food – yes to FIND food – so if she didn’t find anything, they would sleep on an empty stomach. This year baby Rebecca turned 1 which is very fortunate to hear, as unfortunately, many babies die at a young age due to malnutrition and lack of hygiene.

For more information visit: Mission Fund

Daniel Abela

Għar-raba’ sena tal-formazzjoni tas-Seminarju nkunu mħeġġa li nagħmlu esperjenza missjunarja. Qatt ma kelli ċans li nagħmel esperjenza simili, għalhekk ħtaft l-opportunità biex inqatta din is-sena b’esperjenzi differenti fil-knejjes tal-Asja. Fit-tlett xhur li għaddew kont fl-arċidjoċesi ta’ Kuching fil-Malasja, knisja missjunarja. Fejn anke jekk l-ikel ma jonqosx minħabba l-abbundanza tal-art fertili ta’ Borneo, in-nies fiż-żoni rurali jgħixu faqar finanzjarju modern. Irċevejt ħafna minn dan il-poplu, li laqgħani b’ġenerożità u b’qalb miftuħa, minkejja l-ftit li tajtu jien. Inħoss li sempliċiment l-preżenza tiegħi f’ħajjithom u fit-talb magħhom kien ta’ faraġ għalihom. Kultant dan biżżejjed kif jurina l-eżempju ta’ San Charles de Foucauld.

Maria Emma Buhagiar

Tmur bl-idea li inti qiegħed hemmhekk biex isservi imma tasal lura Malta bl-esperjenza li taqla iktar milli inti tkun tajthom. M’għandhom kważi xejn imma minn dak ix-xejn it-tfal jtuk kollox! Jekk kienetx tkun xi brazzuletta li jkunu għamlu jew inkella l-ikbar tagħnniqa. Taqgħnniqa li fiha tħoss lil Ġesù jagħnnqek.

Għexna mas-Sorijiet Missjunarji Tal-Karità, fi kliem ieħor ta’ Madre Tereża, sorijiet li jħobbu bla qies u lil kulħadd! Ġurnata minnhom kont qed nistenna ir-riżultati u is-Sr indunat li kont naqa anżjuza, ġiet fuqi u qaltli, “Don’t worry, everything will be fine, He knows what’s He’s doing,” imbagħad meta daħħlu naħseb kienet ferħet iktar minni. Fil-ġenn ta’ Cagliari, sibt il-paċi u rajt lil Ġesù ħaj.

Għal iktar informazzjoni żur: Chaplaincy Uni

Mariah Bonnici

As an active volunteer, I try to be ready to help wherever I can. As a member of Ċentru 16+, I volunteered with UMTAL last summer, an organisation which supports the different needs of the elderly and the pilgrims to ensure that they get the chance to fully immerse themselves in the spiritual and serene experience that Lourdes has to offer. I would describe it as an unforgettable experience and encourage anyone who gets the chance to volunteer to do so, as it is through such experiences that one can witness God’s love and glory firsthand.

For more information visit: UMTAL