The Church Authorities have published a document about the procedures to be followed in cases of breaches of the regulations for the admission to Church schools.

Two years ago, the Church Authorities revised the admission procedures into Church schools. This brought about a new level of transparency and justice. The new document, which has been agreed upon by the Episcopal Conference together with the Council for Major Religious Superiors, follows in the same direction.

The document sees to the setting up of an Admissions Supervisory Board.  The Board will appoint individuals having competence in investigating such cases. In case of disciplinary procedures, the Board will hear what the alleged functionary has to say and decide on appropriate sanctions.

Personnel from the Church schools involved in breaches of the regulations for admission to Church schools may not only lose their job, but may not be employed with Church institutions involved in the Church schools admission process for three years.

All reports of alleged breaches of the regulations for admission into Church Schools are to be made to the Delegate for Catholic Education. The Delegate will coordinate all the necessary steps needed to ascertain the veracity of each report and the action to be taken. Procedures will be initiated against anybody making false accusations.

The full document is available on this website. Direct link: