The Cana Movement held the annual Assembly for those couples who lead the various marriage preparation courses throughout parishes in Malta. This was held at the Archbishop’s Seminary, Tal-Virtu’ on Saturday 5th November 2011.

In his opening address, the Director of the Movement, Rev Dr Joseph Mizzi, thanked those present for their commitment and dedication towards their apostolate: that of preparing engaged couples for Christian marriage. He insisted upon the fact that they are on a “mission strategy”, rather than on a “maintenance strategy”, meaning that they cannot afford to maintain a status quo in the field of marriage preparation. With courage and conviction, they must continue to strive to pass on those Christian values which serve to unite the couple – values which sometimes go against the grain in today’s world, but which are essential towards building strong marriages and healthy families.

He pointed out that today, some couples who are preparing for Christian marriage are already co-habiting and some of them even have children.  While their life decisions are to be left to their own personal discretion, it is the duty of the Cana Movement to bring them to maturity in their option for sacramental marriage.  The current situation in the field of the family in our country calls for a different approach than that which has been implemented by the Marriage Preparation Course in the years since its inception. For this reason, a sub-committee of the Marriage Preparation Commission has been working upon a revised course, which will be launched in the coming months.  During the Assembly, those present were introduced to a “sample session” of the revised course.  This dealt with the subject of Commitment in Marriage (“Inzomm Kelmti”). The co-ordinators, Rita and Tony Galea and Bernard and Annemarie Grech, with the help of some leading couples simulated a course session, which was then opened for discussion.

The leading couples were advised to work in close collaboration with the co-coordinating couple, Sunny and Miriam Mifsud, who have been newly-appointed by the Cana Movement in order to facilitate relations and oversee the marriage preparation courses. Those present were also urged to undertake the various opportunities for on-going formation which the Movement offers on a regular basis.

Fr Joe Mizzi insisted that Movement can no longer remain to be seen as “accommodating” and “lenient” in the light of the challenges which it is facing today: we need to be an effective catalyst and encourage engaged couples to make a radical choice towards Christian marriage – a choice which, with God’s help, they will continue to honour and uphold for their entire life.