
Mirakli Żgħar: Trabi prematuri jikkonfermaw id-dinjità tal-ħajja

  • Above, Saybie, shown happy at home, was released last week from Sharp Mary Birch Hospital’s NICU. Below, Anna and Jesse Ray’s son Joshua is shown at two days old, weighing less than 4 pounds. He is now a healthy teenager. 


  • He weighed less than 10 ounces when he was delivered by emergency caesarean at 24 weeks and five days…

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Il-Papa Franġisku: Itolbu għall-Ewropa, għall-għaqda

  • Pope Francis answers questions during the inflight press conference as he returns from Romania.

  • “If Europe does not look well at the challenges ahead, Europe will wither, it will be withered.,” Pope Francis said in response to a question about recent trends in European politics. Asked about groups “that do not desire fraternity” but “prefer to go it alone,” the Pope said Europe needs to “take up again the mysticism of the founding fathers.” Europe needs “to be itself,” to rediscover “its own identity, its own unity,” in order to overcome “divisions and borders.” He acknowledged that nations have their own proper identity, which they must protect; but, he continued, “with the mysticism of the polyhedron.” There is a “globalization,” he said, “where all cultures are respected, but all are united.”

    World solidarity

    Asked by a Romanian reporter about his “message” for parents who leave their children to work abroad, the Holy Father said, “To detach oneself so that the family doesn’t lack anything is an act of love… Such a detachment is always a painful situation.” He lamented policies that made such separations necessary, saying it is not simply a question of local problems, but of a worldwide “lack of solidarity”…

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Laqgħa għall-operaturi pastorali: Il-prijoritajiet tal-Knisja fid-dawl ta’ Għemmaws

  • L-ikona ta’ Għemmaws iddawwal il-viżjoni tagħna bħala Knisja fis-soċjetà ta’ żmienna.  L-esperjenza taż-żewġ dixxipli fit-triq ta’ Għemmaws hija l-ġrajja li l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ppreżenta għar-riflessjoni tagħna fil-bini u t-twettiq ta’ pjan pastorali għad-djoċesi tagħna fl-Assemblea Djoċesana li għaddiet.

    Minn din il-ġrajja joħorġu qawwija erba’ attitudnijiet li trid tħaddan il-Knisja f’pajjiżna fil-mixja tagħha. Trid tkun Knisja li tisma’, Knisja li tilqa’, Knisja li takkumpanja u Knisja li toħroġ…

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10 suġġerimenti għal min juża l-highway diġitali

  • This year, the World Day of Social Communications is celebrated on Sunday, 2nd June, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord – which falls on the Sunday before Pentecost Sunday. The theme for the 2019 World Communications Day chosen by Pope Francis is: “We are members one of another” (Eph 4:25). From network community to human communities

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Il-Papa Franġisku: Minn komunità tas-social network għal komunitàjiet umani

Messaġġ tal-Papa Franġisku għat-53 Jum Dinji tal-Komunikazzjoni Soċjali

  • Għeżież ħuti,

    Sa minn meta l-internet beda jkun għad-dispożizzjoni tagħna, il-Knisja dejjem fittxet li tippromwovi l-użu tiegħu biex in-nies jiġu aktar flimkien u biex ikun mezz ta’ solidarjetà bejn kulħadd. B’dan il-messaġġ nixtieq li għal darb’oħra nistedinkom tirriflettu fuq kemm hi ħaġa bażika u importanti li nkunu f’relazzjoni bejnietna u biex, f’dan il-baħar ta’ sfidi fil-kuntest komunikattiv tal-lum, niskopru mill-ġdid ix-xewqa tal-bniedem li ma jibqax waħdu, fis-solitudni tiegħu…

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Programm ta’ mentoring għaż-żgħażagħ bla dar f’Malta

Over 20 organisations come together for the Mentor Power seminar

  • A mentoring programme to assist young homeless persons was launched. The Erasmus+ EU Funded programme will help these vulnerable persons in discovering more about themselves and their environment to follow a path of higher achievement and stability. The programme was launched under the title “Mentor Power” in the form of a handbook and training manual. Together these tools will be used by the Salesians in a pilot programme aimed at reintegrating young persons back into the community…

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Viżta Pastorali tal-Isqof Awżiljarju fil-parroċċa ta’ Ħal Għargħur

  • Il-Ħamis, 30 Mejju 2019, l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi ser jibda l-viżta pastorali fil-parroċċa ta’ San Bartilmew f’Ħal Għargħur, fejn se jiltaqa’ mat-tfal u l-ġenituri tagħhom u l-katekisti, mal-operaturi pastorali u mal-komunità tal-patrijiet u s-sorijiet Franġiskani. L-Isqof se jbierek ukoll għand xi familji bħala parti mill-programm tal-parroċċa għat-tberik tal-Għid. Il-Viżta Pastorali tintemm il-Ħadd, 2 ta’ Ġunju 2019.

    Hawn taħt tista’ taqra l-messaġġ tal-Isqof Galea-Curmi lill-parruċċani ta’ Ħal Għargħur…

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Il-Papa: Is-salvazzjoni ma tinxtarax, is-salvazzjoni hi rigal

  • At his General Audience on Wednesday the Pope led the faithful on a new journey. Leaving behind his continuing catechesis on the Our Father, Pope Francis began a new cycle focusing on the Acts of the Apostles.

    The Word and the Spirit

    The Pontiff explained how this book speaks about the spread of the Good News and shows us the wonderful bond between the proclamation of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit who gives power to this witness of faith…

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