
Il-Papa f’Ras ir-Randan: ‘Iffokaw fuq l-essenzjali’

  • Pope Francis summoned Christians to slow down in a fast-paced and often directionless life and fast from the unnecessary things that distract us, to heed Lent that he described as “a wake-up call for the soul”.

    The Pope’s words came during the homily at Holy Mass on Ash Wednesday with the blessing and imposition of the ashes that took place, as per tradition, in the Basilica of Saint Sabina on the Aventine Hill…

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Live: Quddiesa ta’ Ras ir‑Randan

  • Illum, l‑Erbgħa, 6 ta’ Marzu 2019, Ras ir‑Randan, fis‑6:30 p.m., l‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ser jiċċelebra l‑Quddiesa tal‑Erbgħa tal‑Irmied, fil‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il‑Belt Valletta. 

    Il-Quddiesa tinkludi t-tberik u t-tqegħid tal-irmied. Dawk kollha li jaħdmu l-Belt Valletta jew jinzertaw il-Belt huma mistiedna jattendu għal din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni.



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Mhux dwar il-migranti biss

It-tema għall-Jum Dinji tal-Migranti u r-Refuġjati 2019

  • The World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated on Sunday 29 September 2019. The theme of this 105th edition will be “It is not just about migrants”.

    With this theme, Pope Francis wants to highlight that his frequent appeals for migrants, refugees, displaced and trafficked people should be understood as integral to his deep concern for all the inhabitants of today’s existential peripheries…

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Il-bidu tar-Randan u riflessjoni għall-40 jum li ġejjin

  • Għada l‑Erbgħa, 6 ta’ Marzu 2019, il‑Knisja tagħti bidu għar‑Randan Imqaddes: erbgħin jum ta’ talb u penitenza bi tħejjija għaċ‑ċelebrazzjoni tal‑Passjoni, il‑Mewt u l‑Qawmien mill‑mewt ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu.

    L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ser jiċċelebra l‑Quddiesa Stazzjonali ta’ Ras ir‑Randan fil‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il‑Belt Valletta, fis‑6:30 p.m. Il‑Quddiesa tinkludi t‑tberik u t‑tqegħid tal‑irmied. Dawk kollha li jaħdmu l‑Belt Valletta jew jinzertaw il‑Belt huma mistiedna jattendu…

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Waqt l-Anġelus il-Papa jħeġġeġ lill-mexxejja biex ikunu għaqlin, ġusti u juru ħniena

  • Pope Francis on Sunday reflected on the Gospel reading of the day in which Jesus invites his disciples to be good role models.

    He was speaking to the crowds gathered in a sunny St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus Prayer when he took his cue from the Gospel of Luke in which Jesus poses the question “Can a blind person guide a blind person?”

    A leader must have clear vision

    Jesus wants to emphasize that a guide – a leader –  cannot be blind, but must see well, meaning that he must possess wisdom, the Pope explained, otherwise he risks causing damage to the people who entrust themselves to him…

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Nikkommemoraw lin-nisa fil-Knisja lokali

  • “They have no wine,” Mary said to her son. Women observe the world; they empathize with suffering; they act for the flourishing of all. Through the attentiveness of women, the banquet can indeed be delightful! 

    This Thursday, 7th March 2019, the Faculty of Theology at the University of Malta will celebrate the role and achievements of women in theology.  For the second consecutive year, the Faculty of Theology invites you for an evening of discussion and friendship to celebrate the contribution of women in the local Church and society…

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Il-Kattoliċi għandhom jieħdu sehem fil-karnival?

  • Beginning especially in the Middle Ages, cultures around the world created unique traditions to precede the Lenten season of fasting.

    This unofficial pre-Lenten season is called a number of different names, such as “Mardi Gras” or “Carnival,” but each shares a common spirit of feasting.

    One of the practical reasons for these festivals was the severity of the fast and the need to get rid of any meat, butter, cheese, milk, eggs, and fats that were strictly forbidden during Lent…

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Il-Knejjes Kattoliċi Indjani u Pakistani jħeġġu għall-paċi bejn iż-żewġ pajjiżi

  • The Catholic bishops of India and Pakistan are appealing for peace and dialogue as tensions and armed exchanges between the two nuclear-armed neighbours escalate. 

    Indian Church

    “We pray and work for peace between India and Pakistan.  We call on the rulers to choose the path of dialogue, the situation today is very delicate and we must not make false or hurried steps,” said Indian Cardinal Oswald Gracias Archbishop of Bombay. 

    “We condemn any act of terrorism against Indian forces…

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F’Marzu se jiġi ppubblikat dokument dwar is-Sinodu taż-Żgħażagħ

  • The Vatican announced Sunday that Pope Francis will publish in March a post-synodal exhortation on last October’s synod on young people, faith, and vocational discernment.

    The papal document, for which a title has not yet been announced, will be released March 25 during a papal trip to Loreto, Italy, the location of the Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto, where Pope Francis will present the document to the Blessed Virgin Mary…

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