
Arċipriet u kappillan ġdid għall-parroċċi tas-Siġġiewi u Ħ’Attard

  • Arċipriet ġdid għall-parroċċa tas-Siġġiewi


    • L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ħatar lil Dun Josef Mifsud bħala l‑Arċipriet tal‑parroċċa ta’ San Nikola, is‑Siġġiewi.

      Dun Josef Mifsud twieled fil‑15 ta’ Mejju 1981 u trabba s‑Siġġiewi fejn irċieva l‑ewwel edukazzjoni tiegħu fl-iskola primarja tas-Siġġewi. Huwa kiseb l-edukazzjoni sekondarja fis‑Seminarju Minuri tal-Arċisqof, Tal-Virtù, ir-Rabat, u kompla l-istudji terzjarji fil-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija (Filosofija u Teoloġija) fl-Università ta’ Malta…

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Seminar ta’ Riċerka: Intersex child – Revisiting Holistic Care

  • ‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ This is the most frequently asked question whenever a child is born. Although the answer is straightforward in the majority of cases, it is not so clear-cut in a small proportion. Gender is assigned according to the appearance of external genitalia, however,  in Malta, between 1 and 4 children are born with atypical genitalia every year.  

    Being unable to assign a sex to the newborn is not only distressing to the parents, but also creates a dilemma for the doctors who have to guide the parents when making decisions which will often have long-term effects on the child…

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L-isqfijiet Ewropej joħorġu stqarrija dwar l-elezzjonijiet Ewropej 2019

  • European Bishops published the statement “Rebuilding community in Europe”, calling all EU citizens to engage in the political process, to exercise their discernment and to vote at the 2019 European elections, further building together the European project. 

    Read and download the statement. 

    From 23-26 May 2019, all EU citizens across the continent will be responsible for electing the new members of the European Parliament…

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Life Network: L-abort mhuwiex il-vera għajnuna li għandhom bżonn l-ommijiet bi tqala mhux mistennija

  • Il-Fondazzjoni Life Network tinnota bi tħassib li fl-aħħar sigħat, jidher li organizzazzjoni barranija bl-isem “Abortion Support Network” bdiet tirreklama servizzi ta’ għajnuna finanzjarja lil nisa Maltin li jixtiequ jabortixxu t-tarbija tagħhom barra minn Malta.

    Jidher li permezz tal-website tagħha, din l-organizzazzjoni tgħid li toffri pariri lil nisa Maltin sabiex jirċievu għajnuna finanzjarja sabiex iwettqu abort u anki toffri pariri dwar kif għandhom jakkwistaw pilloli illegali li jtemmu t-tqala li skonthom, huma prodotti siguri…

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Imniedi toolkit fuq l-epilessija

  • Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association nidiet Epilepsy Toolkit bil-Malti kif ukoll bl-Ingliż, iffinanzjat mill-proġett PEKTUR, skema ta’ fondi pprovduti mill-Kummissarju għal-Promozzjoni ta’ Persuni b’Diżabbiltà, CRPD.  Is-Sur Frank Portelli, President CMEA, ippreżenta kopji lis-sur Oliver Scicluna, Kummissarju CRPD.

    Fil-preżentazzjoni tiegħu, s-Sur Portelli spjega kif l-epilessija hija waħda mill-kundizzjonijiet newroloġiċi l-iżjed komuni u l-kundizzjoni tiġri meta jkun hemm elettriku eċċessiv fil-moħħ.  Din il-kundizzjoni taffettwa madwar 1% tal-popolazzjoni fid-dinja u fil-gżejjer Maltin hawn ’il fuq minn 4,000 persuna li għandhom din il-kundizzjoni.  Saru avvanzi kbar f’dan il-qasam tas-saħħa għall-kura fuq l-epilessija u hawn ukoll bosta mediċini ġodda li jikkontrollaw madwar 70% tal-aċċessjonijiet.  Xorta waħda, f’bosta pajjiżi inkluż l-Ewropa, persuni b’din il-kundizzjoni għadhom ikollhom  esklużjoni soċjali, kif ukoll diskriminazzjoni u stigma.  Din taffettwa ħażin lill-persuni b’din il-kundizzjoni f’edukazzjoni kif ukoll meta jfittxu xogħol…

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Talba lil San Valentinu, patrun tal-għarajjes u żwiġijiet henjin

  • It’s easy to forget in today’s world that Valentine’s Day is actually the feast of St Valentine, a Roman bishop during the 3rd century. A popular tradition surrounding St Valentine is that he secretly married Christian couples and was eventually arrested and killed for his actions.

    The story is one of the primary reasons why St Valentine has been associated with lovers over the years…

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Il-Kardinal Newman u s-soru Indjana Mariam Thresia ser isiru qaddisin

  • Pope Francis on Tuesday cleared the way for the sainthood of renowned English Cardinal John Henry Newman and an Indian nun, and brought 6 others a step closer to canonization. 

    The Pope received in audience Cardinal Angelo Becciu, the Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints and authorized him to promulgated two decrees on miracles for sainthood, a decree on martyrdom and 5 on heroic virtues. 

    Cardinal Newman

    A miracle attributed to the intercession of Cardinal Newman has been recognized, clearing him for canonization. 

    Born in London on 21 February 1801 and died in Edgbaston on 11 August 1890, the noted theologian and poet was first an Anglican priest and later a Catholic priest and cardinal, who was an important figure in the religious history of England of his time…

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Sidien jew gwardjani? Is-sinifikat morali u ekoloġiku ta’ ‘Laudato Si”

Taħdita pubblika mill-Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent

  • The Interdiocesan Environment Commission is holding a public lecture on the rights, freedoms and responsibilities towards the environment in the light of Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology, Laudato Si’.

    Prof.  José Carlos De Miranda, from the Catholic University of Portugal and the University of Lisbon – Centre of Philosophy, will discuss the theme: “Owners or Guardians? Moral and Ecological Significance of Laudato Si’”…

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Il-Papa Franġisku se jżur Napli f’Ġunju li ġej

  • During his visit to Naples on 21 June 2019, Pope Francis will take part in a meeting on “Theology after Veritatis Gaudium in the Mediterranean context”.

    In a communiqué released on Monday, the interim Director of the Vatican Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti, said the Pope will arrive around 9am and will address participants in the conference.

    Pope Francis will be welcomed by Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, the Archbishop of Naples, Bishop Francesco Marino of Nola, and Fr…

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L-Insara għandhom ikunu involuti fil-politika?



  • The question whether Christians should participate in politics may sound rhetorical. The answer is clearly affirmative: they should, first and foremost as citizens. Drawing on some ideas in political philosophy and key principles in Catholic social thought, the first session of the course God & Politics will discuss the why and the how (and the how not) of Christians’ participation in a pluralistic society…

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