
Il-Papa jħeġġeġ lill-Insara kollha biex jiġġieldu l-indifferenza għat-tbatija u l-emarġinazzjoni ta’ dawk l-aktar fil-bżonn

“Dan il-fqajjar sejjaħ u l-Mulej semgħu”

  • Messaġġ tal-Papa Franġisku fil-Jum Dinji tal-Foqra 2018


  • 1.  “Dan il-fqajjar sejjaħ u l-Mulej semgħu,” (Salm 34:6). Il-kliem tas-Salmista jsir tagħna kull meta aħna niġu msejħa biex niltaqgħu ma’ sitwazzjonijiet differenti ta’ tbatija u emarġinazzjoni li jgħaddu minnha ħafna minn ħutna li aħna mdorrijin inlaqqmuhom bħala “l-fqar”. Is-salmista mhux sajjem mit-tbatija; imma bil-maqlub. Hu għandu esperjenza diretta tal-faqar u minkejja dan jittrasforma t-tbatija f’innu ta’ tifħir u ringrazzjament lil Alla. Illum, Salm 34 jippermettilna, imdawrin kif aħna b’diversi forom ta’ tbatija, li nagħrfu lil dawk li huma tassew foqra…

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Id-drittijiet tal-bniedem diskussa waqt simpożjum fil-Vatikan

  • The two-day symposium which ended Friday has been organized by the Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation. Among those taking part is Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal, Pietro Parolin, as well as, Princeton Professor Robert George, and Harvard Professor, Mary Ann Glendon. In an address to the meeting on Friday, Professor Glendon spoke on the “universal dimension of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its effective application.”

    Pick and choose attitude to rights

    During her speech, the Harvard Professor spoke of a “pick and choose attitude to rights” and said that Human Rights ideas have become a victim of their own success…

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Ċelebrazzjoni djoċesana fil-festa ta’ Kristu Re

  • Il-Knisja Kattolika ser tiċċelebra l-festa liturġika ta’ Kristu Re nhar il-Ħadd, 25 ta’ Novembru 2018. Għal din il-festa li tagħlaq is-sena liturġika, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna qed jistieden lill-Insara biex jingħaqdu miegħu għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni djoċesana.

    Din tibda fil-5:00p.m. b’korteo minn quddiem il-monument ta’ Kristu Re, il-Furjana, sal-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta, fejn tingħad it-Talba tal-Għasar. Waqt l-Għasar, Mons…

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Diskussjoni pubblika dwar il-kirjiet, l-affordabbiltà u l-faqar

  • Housing, affordability and poverty are becoming more pressing issues, with increasing signs that Malta’s economy is growing asymmetrically. As a result, many families are being marginalised and impoverished because they cannot afford appropriate housing that allows them to live with dignity. This is not only true for vulnerable family units, but also for young couples planning to form new families.

    Catholic Voices Malta is organising its first public seminar on this topic and will focus on the effect the rapid rise in housing prices is having on social cohesion, social justice and families in Malta…

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Il-Papa: Iz-zekzik joqtol, Alla hu l-verità

  • In his Catechesis devoted to the eighth commandment, Pope Francis told pilgrims in St Peter’s Square on Wednesday that Christians are called to be “truthful not only in our words but in our entire way of acting towards others.” Speaking at his weekly General Audience, the Pope said that, “our ultimate model in this regard is Jesus himself…

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L-Assemblea Djoċesana 2018

15-il sena mis-Sinodu Djoċesan

  • L‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta ser tlaqqa’ l‑Assemblea Djoċesana li ser tkun ippreseduta mill‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna, nhar il‑Ħamis 22 u l‑Ġimgħa 23 ta’ Novembru 2018. L‑Assemblea ser issir fil‑Katekumenju, il‑Mosta, fejn kien sar is‑Sinodu Djoċesan.

    L‑Arċisqof ried li matul din l‑Assemblea, 15‑il sena minn tmiem is‑Sinodu Djoċesan, issir evalwazzjoni tad‑dokumenti tas‑Sinodu li sar bejn l‑1999 u l‑2003. Fi spirtu ta’ djalogu, il‑Knisja ser tħares lejn l‑iżviluppi li seħħew fil‑kultura u fis‑soċjetà Maltija fl‑aħħar snin, u tara kif tkompli twassal il‑Bxara t‑Tajba fid‑dawl tat‑tagħlim tal‑Papa Franġisku…

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Ċentru tas-saħħa temporanju għall-foqra fi Pjazza San Pietru

  • As workers were getting St Peter’s Square ready for this year’s Nativity scene, nearby a large mobile health care facility was set up and running to serve the city’s homeless and poor.

    About two dozen men and a few women were sitting or standing in a spacious area, quietly waiting their turn or filling out basic paperwork before being called for their free checkups…

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Il-Papa Franġisku se jżur il-Marokk f’Marzu li ġej

  • The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke, announced on Tuesday that Pope Francis will visit Morocco from the 30th to the 31st of March 2019.

    During this two-day Apostolic Journey, he will visit the cities of Rabat and Casablanca.

    Greg Burke said that this decision comes in response to an invitation extended by King Mohammed VI and the Catholic Bishops of Morocco…

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