
Ittra mill-Missirijiet Sinodali liż-żgħażagħ


    We the Synod Fathers now address you, young people of the world, with a word of hope, trust and consolation. In these days, we have gathered together to hear the voice of Jesus, “the eternally young Christ”, and to recognize in Him your many voices, your shouts of exultation, your cries, and your moments of silence…

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Is-Sinodu fuq iż-Żgħażagħ: X’jgħid id-dokument finali?

  • On Saturday afternoon, the Final Document of the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops consisting of 3 parts, 12 chapters, 167 paragraphs and 60 pages is approved in the Synod Hall.


  • The text was received with applause, Cardinal da Rocha said. It is “the result of real teamwork” on the part of the Synod Fathers, together with other Synod participants and “the young people in a particular way”…

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L-24 jum tas-Sinodu: Is-Sinodalità u l-iskandli ta’ abbuż

  • The Synod Fathers and auditors did a 6 kilometer pilgrimage today from Monte Mario to St Peter’s. At St Peter’s, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation, presided at Mass.  The Holy Father was also present.


    Archbishop Hector Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte, O.F.M., from Peru said that the Synod was an experience of great cooperation and that the Church’s understanding of synodality has been developed…

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Mons. Prof. Tomáš Halík il-mistieden ewlieni ta’ Discern Annual Lecture 2018

    • In a time of rapid social and cultural change there could hardly be a more opportune moment for identifying the signs of the secular culture. Templeton Prize winner, Mgr Prof. Tomáš Halík, will discuss the theme of ‘Reading the Signs of the Secular Culture’ during the 2018 Discern Annual Lecture which will be held on Tuesday, 6th November 2018, at The Old Refectory of the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana, at 7 p.m…

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It-23 jum tas-Sinodu: Alla huwa kunċett astratt għaż-żgħażagħ

  • On Wednesday the Synod Fathers discussed the draft of the final document of the Synod of Bishops on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment. A letter to young people, from the Synod, was also read out in the General Assembly. It is expected that the letter will be read at the closing Mass of the Synod on Sunday, 28 October…

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It-22 jum tas-Sinodu: L-irwol taż-żgħażagħ fil-Knisja

  • The draft of the final document was presented to the Synod Fathers on Tuesday morning and was greeted with a long round of applause, Dr Paolo Ruffini Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication said. On Wednesday, the Synod Fathers will put forward proposals for integration into the final document. Dr Ruffini said that the document is different to the working document, the Instrumentun Laboris, but reflects many of the issues that were outlined in that document…

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Kummissjoni Ekumenika Djoċesana 2018-2022

  • L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ġedded il‑ħidma tal‑Kummissjoni Ekumenika Djoċesana għall-erba’ snin li ġejjin (2018-2022) bil‑ħatra ta’ membri ġodda.  Dan filwaqt li kkonferma l‑membri li diġà kienu parti mill‑kummissjoni.

    L‑irwol tal‑Kummissjoni Ekumenika huwa li tgħin lill‑Knisja fir‑relazzjonijiet ma’ Nsara ta’ Knejjes oħra, trawwem kuxjenza ekumenika fost il‑Kattoliċi u tħeġġeġ għat‑talb għall‑għaqda fost l‑Insara.

    Mons. Prof. Hector Scerri ġie kkonfermat bħala president tal‑kummissjoni…

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Ritratti: L-Isqof Awżiljarju jamministra s-Sagrament tal-Griżma f’Marsaxlokk, il-Baħrija u l-Gudja

Pellegrini Franċiżi jinteressaw ruħhom fil-ħidma tal-Knisja f’Malta

  • Il-Ġimgħa, 19 ta Ottubru 2018, grupp ta’ madwar 25 pellegrin mid-Djoċesi ta’ Montauban fi Franza, żaru l-Kurja tal-Arċisqof għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa u wara ltaqgħu mal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi. Huma kellhom ukoll l-opportunità jifhmu r-realtà pastorali tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta u l-ħidma li ssir mill-Knisja fis-soċjetà.


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