Filmat: L-istedina tal-isqof il-ġdid
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja f'Malta
Mons. Joseph Galea-Curmi, imwieled nhar l-1 ta’ Jannar 1964, iben Paul Galea Curmi u Josette née Mifsud Bonnici, mgħammed nhar il-5 ta’ Jannar fil-Parroċċa ta’ Sant’Elena f’Birkirkara, u ordnat saċerdot minn Mons. Ġużeppi Mercieca nhar il-5 ta’ Lulju 1991, huwa l-ħdax il-isqof awżiljaru tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta fl-epoka kontemporanja, jiġifieri mill-bidu tal-ħakma Ingliża sallum.
F’dan in-numru mhux qed ngħoddu isqfijiet koadjuturi, jekk qabel ma ġewx maħtura isqfijiet awżiljari…
Pope Francis has approved a new revision of paragraph number 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, according to which “a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by the state,” thus “the death penalty is inadmissible”:
The decision was announced by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in a ‘Letter to the Bishops’ dated 1 August and signed by the Prefect, Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria…
Pope Francis used the reading from 1 Corinthians 10:31–11:1 during a homily he addressed to over 70,000 altar servers gathered in St Peter’s Square for an Extraordinary Audience. These altar servers between the ages of 13 and 23 come from 19 different countries and are participating in the 12th International Pilgrimage for Altar Boys and Girls.
Do everything for God’s glory
Giving God glory in everything (see 1 Cor 10:31) “sums up what it means to be a friend of Jesus”, Pope Francis began…
L-Isqof Awżiljarju Elett, Mons. Joseph Galea-Curmi, ltaqa’ ma’ missjunarji Maltin imxerrda mad-dinja u li bħalissa jinsabu Malta għal btala. Għal-laqgha li saret f’Dar l-Emigrant, il-Belt Valletta, attendew saċerdoti Maltin li qed jagħmlu ħidma missjunarja fl-Awstralja u fil-Pakistan, u sorijiet li qegħdin f’Gaża, il-Brażil, il-Pakistan, l-Ukrajna u l-Indja. Attendew ukoll soċi tal-M.U.S.E.U.M. missjunarji f’Kuba, Londra u l-Albanija.
Fil-messaġġ tiegħu, Mons…
Every diocese in the Catholic world has a cathedral it is the chief church of the diocese, the bishop’s church. It is not uncommon to hear someone refer mistakenly to an especially large or magnificent church as a cathedral. But it isn’t size or décor that matters, its the bishop. That said, there is one physical feature that sets a cathedral apart from all the other churches in the diocese: the bishop’s throne, which is usually set on a raised platform within the sanctuary…
Catholic Voices Malta qed jingħaqad man-netwerk internazzjonali ta’ Catholic Voices li llum huwa mifrux f’21 pajjiż madwar id-dinja kollha. Dan wara taħriġ li ngħata lil madwar 25 persuna lajċi.
Dan il-grupp għadu kif temm programm ta’ taħriġ bl-għajnuna ta’ Catholic Voices UK. Il-grupp jinkludi avukati, min jieħu ħsieb id-dar, membri tal-professjoni medika, edukaturi, intraprendituri, social worker, periti u psikologi fost l-oħrajn…
“I can honestly say that the labor camp was the best place to understand what ‘love your enemy’ really means,” said Myroslav Marynovych, a Ukrainian Catholic who spent seven years in a Soviet gulag in the Perm region of Russia.
After receiving the 2018 Charles J. Chaput Award at the Napa Institute conference this month, Marynoych explained to CNA how the gospel came to life for him in the gulag, and how a stint in solitary confinement led him to write a letter to St…
Il‑Ġimgħa, 3 ta’ Awwissu 2018 ‑ Velja ta’ talb fil‑knisja parrokkjali ta’ San Ġużepp Ħaddiem, Birkirkara
7:30 p.m. L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jmexxi velja ta’ talb bi tħejjija għall‑Ordinazzjoni Episkopali tal‑Isqof Awżilarju l‑ġdid ta’ Malta. Matul il‑velja, Mons. Joseph Galea‑Curmi jagħmel l‑istqarrija tal‑fidi u jieħu l‑ġurament tal‑fedeltà. Jieħu sehem ukoll in‑Nunzju Appostoliku, l‑Arċisqof Alessandro D’Errico. Matul il‑velja l‑Arċisqof Scicluna jbierek l‑insinji episkopali (il‑baklu, il‑mitra u ċ‑ċurkett) li ser jintużaw l‑għada waqt l‑Ordinazzjoni Episkopali…
Fr Jacques Hamel was murdered by extremist Islamic militants two years ago to this day in his parish in northern France while celebrating Holy Mass.
Pope Francis has held up his testimony of faith also as a reminder of all the other Christian martyrs whose blood is shed across today’s world.
It was during Mass in the Casa Santa Marta, celebrated together with the Bishop of Rouen and father Jacques Hamel’s family, that Pope Francis described the slain French parish priest as “a gentle, good man, who fostered brotherhood”…