
Plexus 2018 – Highlights

A youth leader conference in response to Pope Francis' call to evangelisation

  • Plexus 2018 is an annual youth leader conference organised by the Malta Catholic Youth Network (MCYN). This year’s conference, entitled “With Jesus in the Peripheries”, focused on equipping local youth leaders to reach out to those individuals on the fringes of society. Watch the video below for highlights from the event.

  • During the conference a document was drafted summarising the challenges encountered by local youth leaders in bringing the Gospel to the peripheries, as well as a collective vision for the way forward…
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Romanian bishops support the referendum on redefinition of family

  • Changing the definition of marriage as provided in the Constitution: it’s the purpose of a constitutional referendum that will take place in Romania on October 6-7 on an initiative of the Coalition for Families, an umbrella organization representing 30 NGOs in Romania, including Catholic organizations such as Catholic Action and the Family Association in Romania. The Catholic bishops of Romania have also expressed their full support to the initiative with an Exhortation to priests and Catholic faithful, which is also addressed to all people of good will, with an invitation to back the referendum…

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Pope remembers Lithuanian freedom fighters and victims of occupations

  • Pope Francis on Sunday ended his two-day apostolic visit to Lithuania with a visit to the KGB Museum in Vilnius where he decried the suffering brought about by complete domination and unrestrained ambition during three occupations. Following the collapse of the Russian and Prussian monarchies at the end of the World War I, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia declared their independence in 1918…
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Archbishop Scicluna: February Summit, From Words & Documents to Concrete Actions

Speaking to Journalists in Poznan, Pope’s Entrusted Abuse Investigator Reminds Pope St John Paul II’s Post-Synodal Exhortation ‘Pastores Dabo Vobis’ Has Urgent and Prophetic Value.

  • Archbishop Charles Scicluna says the Pope’s upcoming summit gathering the presidents of all the world’s bishops conferences on the topic of ‘protection of minors’ and vulnerable, an unprecedented move by any Pope, responds to the expectations of many to move from documents and words to actions. Speaking to journalists on Sept. 14, including Zenit, in Poznan, Poland, who were on the ground for the Plenary Assembly of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) taking place, Sept…
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Statwa ta’ San Ġorġ Preca għall-Parroċċa tas-Swatar

  • Is-sena 2018 se tibqa’ mfakkra fil-Parroċċa tas-Swatar mhux biss għaliex qed tiċċelebra l-10 snin mit-twaqqif tagħha mill-Arċisqof Emeritu Mons. Pawlu Cremona O.P., imma wkoll għaliex se tasal l-istatwa titulari tal-parroċċa.

    L-istatwa tfakkarna f’San Ġorġ Preca, l-ewwel qaddis Malti, fil-mument meta fl-24 ta’ Diċemrbu 1921 għamel l-ewwel purċissjoni bil-Bambin. Filfatt, il-Bambin li San Ġorġ se jkun qed iżomm f’idu huwa kopja fl-injam ta’ dak li kien uża San Ġorġ stess u li kien inħadem minn misssier l-iskultur il-Kav…

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L-Isqfijiet Ewropej jirringrazzjaw lill-miljuni ta’ voluntiera Nsara

Plenary Assembly of European Catholic Bishops’ Conferences in Poznań, Poland

  • “Volunteer work involves millions of Christians in Europe and is a remarkable and pervasive activity, that can reach many poor and marginalized people living in our opulent societies, with a peculiar dynamism of love. […] We wish to express our closeness, encouraging support and gratitude to the Christians who engage in volunteer work, whether it is organized or spontaneous, structured or occasional.”

    It is with this feeling of gratitude for the army of volunteers who daily bear witness to Christian love, which was included in the Plenary Assembly’s Final Message, that the Presidents of European Catholic Bishops’ Conferences wrapped up their annual gathering…

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Xbieha fil-mużajk tal-Madonna ta’ Pinu inawgurata f’Nazaret

  • Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 14 ta’ Settembru 2018, festa tal-Eżaltazzjoni tas-Salib Imqaddes, ġiet inawgurata xbieha fil-mużajk tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, fis-Santwarju tat-Tħabbira tal-Mulej, f’Nazaret.

    Din ġiet inawgurata mill-Isqof ta’ Għawdex Mario Grech fit-tieni jum ta’ pellegrinaġġ djoċesan ta’ għaxart ijiem fl-Art Imqaddsa flimkien mal-Patrijiet Franġiskani Minuri, li fih qed jieħdu sehem fuq mija u ħamsin pellegrin mill-gżejjer Maltin.

    Ix-xbieha tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu nħadmet riċentement minn Dun Roberto Gauci u Joseph Borg miċ-Ċentru tal-Arti Liturġika Eikon…

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Il-Papa waqt Quddiesa f’Palermo: ‘Alla u l-mafja ma jmorrux flimkien’

  • Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Saturday during his pastoral visit in the Italian city of Palermo, saying Christians must choose either love or selfishness, victory or defeat.

    “You cannot believe in God and be a member of the mafia,” the Pope declared. “Those belonging to the mafia are not living as Christians, because with their life they blaspheme the name of God who is love.”

    Don Puglisi: victory in defeat

    Pope Francis’ visit to the Sicilian city coincided with the liturgical memorial of Blessed Pino Puglisi, a local priest killed by the mafia 25 years ago…

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Fr Martin Michalíček elett bħala s-Segretarju Ġenerali l-ġdid tas-CCEE

  • Fr Martin Michalíček is the new Secretary General of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE). Friday morning the Presidents of Europe’s Bishops’ Conferences, gathered Poznań for their annual Plenary Assembly (13-16 September), elected him for a five-year term (with immediate effect).

    Fr Martin Michalíček succeeds Duarte da Cunha, who concluded a second five-year term. The CCEE President, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa, along with the Vice-presidents, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, his Grace Mgr Stanisław Gądecki, Archbishop of Poznań, and the Presidents of Europe’s Bishops’ Conferences, thanked Fr Duarte da Cunha for his dedication to leading the CCEE Secretariat and Fr Martin Michalíček for his readiness to serve the Church in Europe…

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Il-Gvern Ingliż jirrifjuta li jkun hemm żoni ta’ protezzjoni madwar il-kliniċi tal-abort fil-pajjiż kollu

  • The British Home Secretary has rejected proposals for buffer zones around abortion clinics throughout England and Wales as disproportionate, after finding that most abortion protests are peaceful and passive.

    Home Secretary Sajid Javid said in his Sept. 13 decision that after reviewing the evidence, which included “upsetting examples of harassment … what is clear from the evidence we gathered is that these activities are not the norm, and predominantly, anti-abortion activities are more passive in nature.”

    The typical activities of those protesting outside of abortion clinics “include praying, displaying banners and handing out leaflets,” Javid noted…

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