
Filmat: Kif saċerdot u gruppi ta’ nies bla dar qed ibiddlu Detroit



  • Many homeless people of Detroit already recognize Father Marko Djonovic’s white Ford Excursion.

    When Djonovic rolls up with his friend Marcus Cobb, it’s probably because they’ve got a job to offer, in exchange for lunch and some pay.

    “Word is getting out on the street about us,” Djonovic said of his new ministry, which he dubbed Better Way Detroit…

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Il-Papa se jiltaqa’ mal-isqfijiet biex jiddiskuti l-ħarsien tal-minuri

  • Pope Francis has convened the Presidents of all the Episcopal Conferences of the whole world for a meeting in Rome to discuss the prevention of abuse of minors and vulnerable adults.

    The announcement was made by the Vice-director of the Holy See Press Office, Paloma García Ovejero, at a press briefing on the meeting of the Council of Cardinal Advisers, which concluded Wednesday morning…

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Ix-Xahar tal-Ħolqien 2018

Messaġġ mill-Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent

  • Min hu fidil f’ħaġa tassew żgħira, hu fidil ukoll fil‑ħafna (Lq 16:10)

    “Hi ħaġa tassew nobbli li wieħed iħabrek biex jieħu ħsieb tal‑ħolqien b’għemejjel ċkejkna ta’ kuljum … bħal meta wieħed jevita l‑użu ta’ materjal tal‑plastik jew tal‑karta, inaqqas il‑konsum tal‑ilma, jifred l‑iskart, isajjar biss dak li jaħseb li jiflaħ jiekol, jittratta b’għożża l‑ħlejjaq ħajjin l‑oħra, jinqeda bit‑trasport pubbliku jew jaqsam l‑istess karozza ma’ iktar minn persuna waħda, jiżra’ s‑siġar, jitfi dwal mixgħula għalxejn, u ħafna iżjed.” (Laudato si’, par…

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Pirjol Provinċjali ġdid għall-Ordni Karmelitan f’Malta

    • Nhar it-Tnejn 10 ta’ Settembru f’Dar Lunzjata, ir-Rabat, il-Provinċja Karmelitana Maltija ta’ S. Elija, fil-preżenza tal-Pirjol Ġenerali W. R. P. Fernando Millán Romeral O.Carm. u flimkien mal-Kunsillier Ġenerali għall-Ewropa W. R. P. John Keating O.Carm., iċċelebrat il-ftuħ tal-Kapitlu Provinċjali 2018.

      Matul dan il-Kapitlu, Patri Joseph Saliba O.Carm. ġie elett u kkonfermat Pirjol Provinċjali għat-tliet snin li ġejjin. Flimkien miegħu ġew eletti u kkonfermati wkoll il-Kunsillieri Provinċjali P…

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Il-Papa Franġisku ser jiltaqa’ mal-isqfijiet Amerikani

  • Pope Francis will be meeting on Thursday with the leaders of the episcopal conference of the United States.

    The President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, will be received in audience along with Archbishop Jóse Horacio Gómez, the Vice-president of the Conference; and Monsignor J. Brian Bransfield, the General Secretary. The President of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors will also take part in the meeting…

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L-UMTAL torganizza l-pellegrinaġġ annwali f’Lourdes

  • A team of doctors, nurses, carers and lay volunteers gave up their free time and, at their own expense, enrolled to look after over 40 patients and ensure a safe and comfortable experience at the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes for the sick. The pilgrimage, organised by the Archdiocesan Society UMTAL, consisted of 156 people and a guide dog. A number of relatives also accompanied patients…

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Il-Papa jħeġġeġ lill-isqfijiet il-ġodda biex ikunu miġbura fit-talb, ta’ komunjoni u jxandru l-Kelma

  • Pope Francis on Saturday met in the Vatican 75 newly-appointed bishops from the mission territories of 34 countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania, and urged them to care for their flocks like the Good Shepherd, by being men of prayer, proclamation and communion. 

    The bishops are participating in a seminar that the Vatican’s Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples has organized September 3-15 to help them in their ministry. 

    In a talk to them, Pope Francis said that a bishop is configured to Christ the Good Shepherd and Priest who does not live for himself but offers his life for his sheep, especially the weakest those most in danger, who are made to feel the Lord’s predilection through his gestures and words of comfort. 

    Men of prayer, proclamation, communion

    As a man of prayer, the Pope said,  a bishop always brings his people and situations before God every day, becoming like Jesus the victim and altar for the salvation of his flock. 

    The second task of a bishop is to go out and proclaim the Gospel in places where the Lord is not known or is disfigured and persecuted, and not to remain seated in his office like a company manager or a prince.   In this duty, he should be a humble witness to the Gospel like Jesus, without giving in to the temptation of power, gratification, worldliness or projecting oneself, and without watering down the crucified and risen Jesus…

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Kappillan ġdid għall-Parroċċa tal-Imġarr

    • L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ħatar lil Dun George J. Schembri bħala kappillan tal‑Parroċċa ta’ Santa Marija, l‑Imġarr.

      Dun George Schembri twieled fit‑8 ta’ Frar 1985 u rċieva l-edukazzjoni primarja tiegħu fl‑iskola Stella Maris f’Ħal Balzan u fl‑iskola St Elizabeth f’Tas‑Sliema, l‑edukazzjoni sekondarja fil‑Liceo Dun Ġużepp Zammit (Brighella) il‑Ħamrun, u l‑edukazzjoni post‑sekondarja f’Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary, in‑Naxxar…

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Il-Papa waqt l-Anġelus: ‘Tkunux torox jew siekta quddiem it-tbatija’

  • Pope Francis drew inspiration on Sunday from the Gospel reading of the day to invite all Christians not to turn away from the suffering of their brothers and sisters.

    Speaking during the Sunday Angelus in St Peter’s Square, the Pope reflected on the episode that tells of Jesus’ miraculous healing of a deaf and dumb man.

    Do good without ostentation

    Pointing out that Jesus always “acts with discretion” as he “does not want to impress people, he is not looking for popularity or success, he just wants to do good to people” the Pope said that “with this attitude, He teaches us that good must be done without clamour and without ostentation”…

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