
Cilì: L-Arċisqof Scicluna jiltaqa’ mal-lajċi, s-saċerdoti u r-reliġjużi ta’ Osorno

  • As part of their special mission to help bring healing to the troubled Chilean diocese of Osorno, Archbishop Charles Scicluna and Msgr. Jordi Bertomeu are holding several pastoral meetings this week which they say are aimed at listening.

    Speaking to Chilean media at the airport after landing in Osorno, Scicluna said they came “to convey the special closeness of the pope to the beloved people of Osorno…

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Il-Knisja Taljana u l-Gvern il-ġdid jikkonfrontaw lil xulxin fuq Aquarius

  • For months the Vatican waited, silently, to see how to engage Italy’s new populist government. For months the Italian bishops offered support and patience as political parties clumsily attempted to create a new government. Promising vigilance, for months Italy’s high-ranking clergy looked for points of dialogue, but also contrast, with the country’s infant leadership.

    Finally, the wait is over and – unsurprisingly – the battle between the Church and Italy’s ruling coalition of right-wing populists, Northern League, and anti-establishment party, Five Star Movement, will be centred around immigration…

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It-tielet saċerdot Kattoliku li jinqatel fil-Filippini

  • Fr Richmond Villaflor Nilo, a parish priest in the Philippines, was shot to death just he was about to celebrate Mass, making him the fourth priest to be shot in the last six months in that troubled country.

    According to a report in UCANews, Fr. Nilo was killed while putting on his alb to begin the Mass. Three shots were fired through the chapel’s window…

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Cilì: L-investigaturi tal-Papa joffru pariri legali dwar kif jirrispondu għall-abbuż f’Osorno

  • The archbishop tasked with investigating the Chilean clerical abuse crisis said the main objective of his visit to the diocese of Osorno is not only to express Pope Francis’ closeness to the local Church, but to help provide the legal structures needed to handle abuse accusations.

    “In respect to our pastoral mission, we wish in first place to be a sign of the closeness of the pope to the people and Church of Chile,” Archbishop Charles Scicluna said in a June 12 statement read aloud to the press in Santiago…

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In-Nunzju Malti tal-Korea: Is-summit f’Singapore hu tassew storiku

  • The Apostolic Nuncio to Korea and Mongolia, Archbishop Alfred Xuereb hailed Tuesday’s “truly historic” summit between the leaders of the U.S. and North Korea, saying the Church is “full of hope and confidence” but warning we’re still at the beginning of a long process.

    Long and arduous road

    Speaking from Seoul in an interview with Vatican News, Archbishop Xuereb said that the Korean people and the local Church had been anxiously awaiting “these truly historic events.” He described the summit between U.S…

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Il-programm tal-Papa Franġisku għaż-Żjara Appostolika fl-Irlanda għal-Laqgħa Dinjija tal-Familji

  • Pope Francis’ Apostolic Visit to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families begins on Saturday morning, 25 August, when he departs from Rome and arrives in Dublin at 10:30.

    Official Welcome and Visit with Civil Authorities

    The official welcome ceremony will take place at the Presidential Residence in Áras an Uachtaráin at 11:15, followed by a courtesy visit to the President…

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L-Arċisqof iħalli Malta għal missjoni pastorali fiċ-Ċilì

  • L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna llum iħalli Malta għal missjoni pastorali fiċ‑Ċilì bħala mibgħut speċjali tal‑Qdusija Tiegħu l‑Papa Franġisku. Huwa ser ikun akkumpanjat minn Mons. Jordi Bertomeu. Mons. Arċisqof ser ikollu numru ta’ laqgħat f’Santiago de Chile u ser imexxi missjoni pastorali fid-Djoċesi ta’ Osorno.

    L‑Arċisqof Scicluna jirritorna Malta nhar l‑Erbgħa, 20 ta’ Ġunju 2018.

    L‑Ufficcju Komunikazzjoni jixtieq jinforma lill‑midja li Mons…

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Il-Papa jaċċetta r-riżenja ta’ tliet isqfijiet Ċileni

  • The Vatican announced Friday that Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop Juan Barros Madrid from his post in the diocese of Osorno, who has been accused of covering-up for Chile’s most notorious abuser priest, Fernando Karadima.

    The announcement came in a June 11 communique from the Vatican, along with the resignation of two other Chilean bishops…

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Il-Papa b’appell għas-summit bejn l-Istati Uniti u l-Korea ta’ Fuq f’Singapore

  • Pope Francis on Sunday renewed his prayers for the “beloved Korean people”.

    He prayed that the upcoming summit between the leaders of the United States and North Korea “may contribute to the development of a positive path to assure a future of peace on the Korean peninsula and throughout the world.”

    The Pope was referring to a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 12th, in Singapore between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un…

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Il-Papa jitlob lill-kumpaniji kbar taż-żejt biex jaqilbu għal enerġija nadifa

  • Addressing some 40 participants in a Vatican conference dedicated to “Energy Transition and Care for our Common Home”,  Pope Francis said “civiliazation requires energy but energy use must not destroy civilization”.

    The two-day conference that wrapped up on Saturday, was promoted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Notre Dame University.

    It saw the participation of senior executives of leading oil and gas companies including ExxonMobil, Eni, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Equinor and Pemex…

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