
Il-Papa jaċċetta r-riżenja ta’ tliet isqfijiet Ċileni

  • The Vatican announced Friday that Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop Juan Barros Madrid from his post in the diocese of Osorno, who has been accused of covering-up for Chile’s most notorious abuser priest, Fernando Karadima.

    The announcement came in a June 11 communique from the Vatican, along with the resignation of two other Chilean bishops…

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Il-Papa b’appell għas-summit bejn l-Istati Uniti u l-Korea ta’ Fuq f’Singapore

  • Pope Francis on Sunday renewed his prayers for the “beloved Korean people”.

    He prayed that the upcoming summit between the leaders of the United States and North Korea “may contribute to the development of a positive path to assure a future of peace on the Korean peninsula and throughout the world.”

    The Pope was referring to a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 12th, in Singapore between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un…

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Il-Papa jitlob lill-kumpaniji kbar taż-żejt biex jaqilbu għal enerġija nadifa

  • Addressing some 40 participants in a Vatican conference dedicated to “Energy Transition and Care for our Common Home”,  Pope Francis said “civiliazation requires energy but energy use must not destroy civilization”.

    The two-day conference that wrapped up on Saturday, was promoted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Notre Dame University.

    It saw the participation of senior executives of leading oil and gas companies including ExxonMobil, Eni, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Equinor and Pemex…

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Id-Dar tal-Providenza għandha bżonnok!

  • Bħalissa fid-Dar tal-Providenza hemm 115-il resident, ilkoll bi ħtiġijiet differenti.

    Ta’ kuljum id-Dar tal-Providenza toħroġ medja ta’ €12,000 sabiex tkompli tgħin u tagħti servizz lir-residenti tagħha u lill-kumplament tas-soċjetà Maltija. Dan ifisser li d-Dar toħroġ mal-€100 kuljum għal kull resident.

    Iżda sabiex tkompli tagħmel dan ix-xogħol, id-Dar tal-Providenza qed tappella lill-poplu Malti u Għawdxi biex illejla jkun ġeneruż u jagħti donazzjoni waqt il-programm Xarabank, li ser ikun iddedikat kollu kemm hu għall-ġbir ta’ fondi b’risq id-Dar tal-Providenza…

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Il-Papa jiffoka fuq l-użu tal-midja soċjali fil-messaġġ tal-intenzjonijiet ta’ talb għal Ġunju


  • In his prayer video for June, Pope Francis asked that digital communications and social media platforms would be a place of inclusion and encounter, rather than isolation and “alienation.”

    In the video, published June 5, the pope opened saying the internet “is a gift from God, but it is also a great responsibility.”

    The text of the subtitles pops up on the screen like chat messages with a notification sound as Francis continued, saying, “communication technology, its places, its instruments, have brought with it a lengthening of horizons, a widening for so many people.”

    “It can offer immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity,” he said, and voiced hope that digital networks would “not be a place of alienation.”

    “May it be a concrete place, a place rich in humanity,” he said, as scenes were shown of either individuals or groups of people looking at computers and cell phones while interacting with each other, rather than seeming alone and isolated…

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Il-Quddiesa tal-Ħadd hija obbligu għall-Kattoliċi

  • In a pastoral letter for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Archbishop Leo Cushley of St. Andrews & Edinburgh stressed the importance of the Sunday Mass obligation for Catholics.

    “It is true that many people think of Sunday as just part of the weekend, a welcome break from the usual routine, and perhaps a day for family, or sporting activities,” the UK archbishop said in the letter…

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Saċerdoti Ċileni jgħidu li ħassewhom milqugħa u mismugħa mill-Papa

  • Chilean clerical sex abuse survivors Juan Carlos Cruz, James Hamilton and Jose Andres Murillo prepare to speak to the media in Rome in early May.


  • After meeting with Pope Francis for more than four hours, a Chilean priest who suffered abuse and a priest who ministers to survivors said they felt comforted and hopeful for the church’s future in their country…

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“Il-qdusija tista’ tinkiseb permezz ta’ ġesti żgħar ta’ mħabba kuljum u minn kulħadd”

Il-preżentazzjoni tal-verżjoni bil-Malti tal-eżortazzjoni appostolika tal-Papa Franġisku 'Ifirħu u Thennew'


  • L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna qal li għalkemm il‑kultura tagħna tgħallem li l‑qaddisin huma biss  dawk li mietu għal Kristu, fl‑eżortazzjoni l‑ġdida Gaudete et Exsultate (Ifirħu u Thennew) il‑Papa Franġisku rnexxielu jniżżel il‑qdusija minn fuq il‑pedestall. Fil‑ħames kapitli tal‑eżortazzjoni l-Papa jispjega kif fid‑dinja tal‑lum il‑qdusija tista’ tinkiseb fil‑familja, fuq il‑post tax‑xogħol u fil‑ħajja kkonsagrata fost l‑oħrajn…

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18-il saċerdot jiċċelebraw anniversarju speċjali tal-ordinazzjoni presbiterali tagħhom

  • Il-Ħadd, fil-festa ta’ Corpus Christi, 18-il saċerdot attendew għal Quddiesa mmexxija mill-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna fil-Katidral tal-Imdina, fejn fakkru għeluq il-25, il-50 u s-60 sena mill-ordinazzjoni tagħhom. Patri Rikkardu Attard OSA, Patri Damjan Cachia O Carm, Patri Lawrence Caruana SJ, Patri Noe Schiavone OSA, Dun Ġużepp Sultana minn Ħal Balzan (jinsab fid-Dar tal-Kleru) u Patri Hilary Tagliaferro OSA ġew ordnati saċerdoti fl-1958 u qed ifakkru s-60 anniversarju…
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Live: Is-Solennità tal-Ġisem u d-Demm Imqaddes ta’ Ġesù

  • Illum il-Ħadd, 3 ta’ Ġunju 2018, fid-9:30am, l‑Arċisqof jiċċelebra Pontifikal fis‑Solennità tal‑Ġisem u d‑Demm Imqaddes ta’ Ġesù (Corpus Christi) fil‑Katidral tal‑Imdina, flimkien mal‑Kapitlu. Waqt l-istess Quddiesa ser jieħdu wkoll sehem is‑saċerdoti li qed jiċċelebraw xi anniversarju speċjali mill‑ordinazzjoni tagħhom. Wara l-Quddiesa, l-Arċisqof ser imexxi purċissjoni bl‑Ewkaristija mat‑toroq ewlenin tal‑Imdina.




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