• The family is not a problem, but a solution for Europe. It is a source of invaluable resources for our European societies : it is its human capital. In front of the many challenges that the current individualistic culture poses especially to the family and marriage, only a pastoral care focused on every single person in the household (husband, wife, child, grandparent) with their peculiarities and the unity they build in the light of the truth that the mystery of the person of Christ reveals about humans, can give new life to this reality of love which is at the base of all human relationships.

    The annual Plenary Assembly of the Presidents of the Catholic Bishops’ Conferences in Europe took place in Rome at the invitation of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Italian Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Vice-President of CCEE. Also the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops (Holy See), Cardinal Marc Ouellet, and the Apostolic Nuncio in Italy, Archbishop Adriano Bernardini, attended the Assembly.

    The intense and fruitful works were held in the light of faith, in a climate of consolidated fraternity, and with pastoral passion. At the conclusion of their meeting, the participants in the Plenary Assembly of CCEE have adopted the following message.

    During the Plenary Assembly of the Council of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Europe, we have listened with great interest to the reports of the pastors in Ukraine and other European countries which are going through very serious trouble with a high number of casualties and refugees.

    The outlook of information has then expanded to the Middle East, beginning with the Holy Land. Everywhere, situations are marked by the common denominator of complexity, violence, suffering of the most vulnerable, and uncertainty about the future. As Presidents of the Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of European countries, we assure our most vivid closeness in prayer to Christ, Prince of Peace, and our concrete solidarity to the suffering populations. At the same time we encourage the Christian communities of these countries to intensify their work of reconciliation and peace by bringing their contribution to fair and timely solutions. Not to mention the suffering caused by intolerance towards Christians and other minorities, which we strongly condemn. With a heart of pastors, we share the great suffering of so many brothers and sisters in the faith and in humanity, and we urge the international authorities for effective, clear, and immediate resolutions to put an end to the tragedies that are taking place now, and to ensure the return of refugees, in the shortest possible time, to their lands of origin in conditions of safety and freedom.

    Meeting with Pope Francis

    A deep emotion was stirred by the meeting with Pope Francis, on Friday, October 3, during which the Holy Father has shown how much he is familiar with the European situation, while recalling the many challenges and difficulties that Europe is facing today. Taking inspiration from the address by Cardinal Péter Erdő, Pope Francis made a reflection on the social problems which affect Europe, originated by a culture which looks more at appearances than people, and he encouraged the European bishops not to be ashamed and to proclaim Jesus in clear terms : Jesus Christ is the solution to our problems.

    The Plenary Assembly 2015 will be held in September 11 through 16, 2015, in the Holy Land at the invitation of His Beatitude Fouad Twal, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.