• Pope Francis held a Google Hangout on Thursday afternoon with several disabled kids from around the world, in an event sponsored by Scholas Ocurrentes, a charity which brings together young people via sports, art, and technology.

    Speaking from the Paul VI Audience Hall, he said Scholas can help them by building bridges and communicating.

    “When you communicate, you give the best you have inside, and you receive the best from others, and that is very important,” he said. “When we don’t communicate, we stay alone with our limitations, and that is bad for us.”

    Pope Francis said disabled youth have a “treasure chest”, which must be shared with others.
    “If we keep it inside, it stays there inside,” he said. “When we share it with others, the treasure multiplies itself, for that treasure is for others…Because of sharing, you receive from others and it multiplies.”
    He also told them to “try, [and] stay calm” when they encounter difficulty, and to “not be afraid”, because “we can overcome anything.”  

    Pope Francis also admitted some of his own troubles, and said he is a “disaster with machines”, saying he did not know how to work a computer, adding “What a shame.”

    Source: Vatican Radio