Pope Francis meets with the ANMIL Workers Association  (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)

Workplaces must be safe for workers, and those workers must be cared for and protected, underscored Pope Francis on Monday morning as he received members of the Italian Association for Injured Workers (ANMIL) in the Vatican.

While applauding the Association for its efforts to promote safety in the workplace and support victims of work accidents and their families, the Holy Father highlighted employers’ great responsibility, while decrying when corners are cut for profit, or when one tries to clear one’s conscience or image with charity work.

Madness of war

Welcoming the ANMIL members on the 80th anniversary of their association, the Pope recalled that 1943 had been a “decisive year” for Italy in the Second World War.

“You took your first steps in that context, which reminds us that every armed conflict brings with it legions of amputees,” the Pope said, lamenting that “even today” this happens, as the “madness of war” causes the civilian population to suffer dramatic consequences.

“Even once conflict is over,” the Pope said “rubble remains,” even “in bodies and hearts,” noting that “peace must be rebuilt day by day, year by year, through the protection and promotion of life and its dignity, starting with the weakest and, beginning with the most disadvantaged.” 

Work-related deaths resembling a war bulletin

The Holy Father thanked the workers’ association for drawing attention to the issue of safety in the workplace, “where too many deaths and misfortunes still occur.”

In particular, he praised their initiatives aimed at improving civil legislation on workplace accidents and the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. “Indeed, it is not only a matter of guaranteeing proper welfare and social security care for those suffering from forms of disability,” he said, “but also of giving new opportunities to people who can be reintegrated and whose dignity demands to be fully recognised.”

He also encouraged them to continue raising public awareness of accident prevention and safety policies, particularly in favour of women and young people, as he lamented ongoing tragedies in the workplace, despite the technology available to promote safety.

“Sometimes it sounds like a war bulletin,” he said.

Source: vaticannews.va