The Foundation for Theological Studies recently hosted the launch of the book ‘A Politics of Peace: The Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical affairs during the Pontificate of Benedict XV (1914-1922)’ written by Rev. Dr Nicholas J. Doublet and published by Edizioni Studium, Rome.  Fr Doublet is the Diocesan Archivist as well as a lecturer with the Faculty of Theology, University of Malta.

The well-attended event, held in the Refectory of the Archbishop’s Curia, took place on Friday 6th March.  The audience was addressed by a panel of distinguished speakers, including Rev. Dr John Berry, Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Dr Simon Mercieca, Senior Lecturer of the Department of History, both at the University of Malta, as well as Prof. Roberto Regoli, Head of the Department of Church History at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, led by Dr Evelyn Pullicino who chaired the panel.  The Archbishop also addressed the audience, thanking Fr Doublet for his objective research and for his work as archivist with the Diocesan Archive and Library, seeing to the conservation of the cultural heritage of the Church in Malta.

The book bears the fruit of years of research on this important structure of the Roman Curia during a pontificate that coincided with a delicate moment in world history.

The Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs can be considered the political ‘think tank’ of the Roman Curia as it was responsible for the Vatican’s bi-lateral relations with other states, as well as treating delicate ecclesiastical issues in the Local Churches.

The book is available for sale at €39 from the Archbishop’s Curia. Interested buyers may direct their queries to the author via email on [email protected].

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