With reference to the article ‘Gozitan parish complex scaled down by MEPA’ published on Maltatoday, on Sunday 1st July 2012, the Communications Office of the Archbishop’s Curia is hereby publishing the following clarification, which has also been published in agreement with Maltatoday, on the same newspaper published on Sunday 8th July 2012.
In the above mentioned article, it was mistakenly reported that the proposed parish centre in Triq il-Kastell in the vicinity of the Cittadella will be hosting a residence for  Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. as suggested by the case officer report which states that the building will be hosting an “Archbishop residence”.  This is not the case, as plans seen by MaltaToday show that the building will host an “Archpriest quarters” not an Archbishop residence.  The mistake is regretted.