To celebrate the Year of Faith, the Spiritual Development Unit within the Secretariat for Education is organizing a Mass for Church school representatives, on Sunday 13th January 2013, at the Divine Mercy Sanctuary, San Pawl tat-Targa, Naxxar. Mass will be presided by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna, accompanied by school spiritual directors and animated by a choir formed by students from different Church schools. The theme of the Mass will be ‘Church Schools – Beacon of Faith’.  Students, staff and parents have been invited to this Mass, which is open to the general public.

This celebration is one of many initiatives which are being organised to mark the Year of Faith for students and teachers in Church schools. From classrooms to large scale events involving the whole school, students are being invited to reflect on and become aware of what beliefs they are ready to build their lives on. The focus is on translating the typical ‘statements’ or ‘assertions’ of faith into realities connected with the life experience of students.

For more details on these initiatives, one may contact Fr Paul Chetcuti SJ, who is responsible for the Spiritual Development Unit within the Secretariat for Catholic Education.  This Unit was setup as part of the restructuring exercise adopted early last year. Its aim is to focus on and support the evangelizing mission of Church schools as their core identity and purpose.