• A seventy-page document, signed by Romanian MEP Cristian Dan Preda and named “Yearly Report on human rights and democracy in the world in 2014 and related EU policies”. A text approved today, before closing the plenary meeting of the EU Parliament in Strasbourg, which deals with breaches of human rights in the world. But one of the most controversial points, which divided the floor and the political groups, was the one at number 114, about surrogate motherhood. By passing one of MEP Miroslav Mikolasik’s amendments, the European Parliament actually takes position against surrogate motherhood. Actually, the text says that the European Parliament condemns “surrogate motherhood, which undermines the human dignity of women, since their bodies and reproductive functions are used as commodities”. In addition, it “believes that surrogate motherhood, which involves reproductive exploitation and the use of the human body for financial profit”, especially with the “vulnerable women of the developing countries”, should be “forbidden and treated as an urgent matter in human rights policies”. The EU Parliament’s services point out that another decision like that had been passed by the European Parliament three years ago, which means that today’s vote strengthens the European Parliament’s position on the subject.

    Source: SIR – Servizio Informazione Religiosa