• With reference to the press release issued by the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT), the Secretariat for Catholic Education would like to emphasize that it disapproves of any alleged irregular recruitment practices which may have been adopted by certain schools.

    The Secretariat also disapproves of the MUT’s practice of writing to the Archbishop and issuing a press release with the contents of the letter within two hours. It is worth noting that the Archbishop has already accepted to meet the MUT. 

    It is also disappointing to note that instead of adopting a collaborative approach, the Union is resorting to such practices and sweeping statements. The MUT practice, to go public without discussing with the Secretariat the contents of said grievances, goes against the spirit of the MUT agreement with the Church Authorities which is aimed at finding amicable settlement of all complaints. The Secretariat feels it should be informed by the Union in cases of alleged irregularities or unjust treatment, for immediate action to be taken.