Session 3 – The family as a community of hospitality

The Cana Movement is currently presenting a series of talks inspired by the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio of Pope John Paul II, in which the Pope outlines four fundamental tasks which the Christian family is to undertake.  The first task is for the family to form a community of persons, in mutual self-giving; secondly, the family is to serve life in its transmission, both physically, in bringing children into the world and spiritually, by handing on their values and traditions throughout its life cycle This month’s talk will focus upon the third task assigned to the family: to participate in the development of society by becoming a school of social life, a community of hospitality and becoming politically active. The speaker is Dr Robert Tufigno

Following the talk, there will be time for interventions from the floor and discussion.

These sessions, which serve as a means of formation for leader-couples of the Cana Marriage Preparation Courses, are also open to the general public.  It is hoped that they will encourage public debate and promote healthy marriages.  The talk will be held on 15th January 2013 at  Sala San Pawl, Catholic Institute, Floriana, from 7-8pm.