Arkivji mensili: Ottubru 2014

Il-Papa waqt l-Anġelus: It-tjubija t’Alla m’għandiex fruntieri, ma tiddiskriminax

  • Pope Francis during his Angelus address on Sunday said, “the goodness of God, “knows no boundaries and does not discriminate against anyone, everyone is given the opportunity to respond to his invitation, to his call”.

    From the window of his studio overlooking Saint Peter’s Square during his Angelus address, Pope Francis reflected on Sunday’s Gospel from Matthew, in which the King issues an invitation to a wedding feast which is rejected by some and accepted by others…

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13 -19 ta’ Ottubru

  • It-Tnejn
    9.15 a.m. L-Arċisqof jippresiedi laqgħa tal-uffiċċjali prinċipali tal-Kurja, fir-residenza tiegħu, Ħ’Attard.
    4.30 p.m. L-Arċisqof iżur iċ-Ċentru tal-Katekiżmu tal-parroċċa ta’ San Bastjan, Ħal Qormi, bħala parti miż-żjara pastorali tiegħu f’dan il-parroċċa.
    6.00 p.m. L-Arċisqof jiltaqa’ mal-membri tal-Kummissjoni Liturġija tal-istess parroċċa.
    7.15 p.m. L-Arċisqof jiltaqa’ mal-Kunsill Pastorali Parrokkjali, mal-Kummissjoni Implementazzjoni Sindodu u mal-Kunsill Ekonomiku Parrokjali tal-parroċċa ta’ San Bastjan, Ħal Qormi…
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Il-Vanġelu tal-jum – 13 ta’ Ottubru

  • Luqa 11, 29-32

    Meta l-folla tan-nies żdiedet, Ġesù qabad u qal: “Nisel ħażin huwa dan in-nisel! Irid sinjal! Imma ebda sinjal ma jingħatalu ħlief is-sinjal ta’ Ġona. Għax bħalma Ġona sar sinjal għan-nies ta’ Ninwè, hekk isir Bin il-bniedem għal dan in-nisel. F’jum il-ħaqq, is-sultana tan-nofsinhar għad tqum man-nies ta’ dan in-nisel u tikkundannahom, għax hi ġiet mit-truf ta’ l-art biex tisma’ l-għerf ta’ Salamun; u araw li hawnhekk hawn min hu aqwa minn Salamun! …

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Delegati Fraterni lis-Sinodu: naqsmu l-istess ħsibijiet, tamiet

  • Participants of the extraordinary Synod for the Family took a pause at the end of their first week of work Saturday. In speeches from seven fraternal Delegates from different Christian confessions Friday afternoon, the synod fathers heard that all Christian families share the same challenges and hopes. In a briefing for journalists Saturday, the Holy See’s press spokesman, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi said that the eighth fraternal delegate, Metropolitan Hilarion, representing the Patriarchate of Moscow is expected to deliver his address to synod participants in the coming days. 

    Saturday is a day off for the synod fathers as the synod relators and special secretary work on the Relatio Synodali to be published Monday, and which will present the topics that will be under discussion in the working groups next week…

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il-Vanġelu tal-jum – 12 ta’ Ottubru

  • It-28 Hadd ta’ matul is-Sena
    Mattew  22, 1-14

    Ġesù raġa’ qabad ikellimhom bil-parabboli u qalilhom: “Is-Saltna tas-smewwiet tixbah lil wieħed sultan li għamel festa għat-tieġ ta’ ibnu. U bagħat għall-mistednin mal-qaddejja tiegħu biex jiġu għall-festa; imma dawk ma ridux jiġu. U reġa’ bagħat qaddejja oħra, u qalilhom, ‘Għidu lill-mistednin: Ara, il-mejda tiegħi lesta; il-barrin u l-għoġiela msemmna diġà maqtula u kollox lest; ejjew għall-festa.’ Iżda dawk ma tawx kas; min mar l-għalqa, min għan-negozju tiegħu, u l-bqija qabdu lill-qaddejja tas-sultan, żebilħuhom u qatluhom…

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Is-Sinodu joħroġ messaġġ lill-familji f’Żoni ta’ Kunflitt

  • The Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops issued a message on Friday for families who suffer as a result of conflicts. Below is the Vatican Information Services English translation of the message.

    Message of the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for families who suffer as a result of conflicts.

    Gathered around the Successor of the Apostle Peter, we the Synod Fathers of the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, along with all participants, share the paternal concern of the Holy Father, expressing our profound closeness to all the families who suffer as a consequence of the many conflicts in progress…

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Il-Vanġelu tal-jum – 11 ta’ Ottubru

  • Luqa 11, 27-28

    Huwa u jgħid dan, kien hemm waħda mara li għolliet leħinha minn qalb il-folla u qaltlu: “Hieni l-ġuf li ġiebek u s-sider li rdajt!” Iżda hu qalilha: “Imma tassew ngħidlek, aktar hienja dawk li jisimgħu l-kelma ta’ Alla u jħarsuha!”

    Il-Qaddis tal-jum: San Alessandru Sauli

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Messaġġ tal-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona waqt l-Assemblea Djoċesana 2014

  • Skola Santa Monika, Birkirkara
    10 ta’ Ottubru 2014

    Alla l-imbierek ħalaq id-dinja b’ħafna mħabba. Huwa ried li d-dinja tkun tista’ titmexxa skont il-pjan tiegħU għal ġid tal-bnedmin uliedu. Ried li jkun hemm armonija bejn il-bnedmin. B’xorti ħażina dan ma seħħx. Għalhekk bagħat lil Ibnu biex jgħallima ngħixu skont il-pjan tiegħu, u Ġesù waqqaf saltna ta’ ġustizzja u paċi mibnija fuq l-imħabba…

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It-Tagħlim tar-Reliġjon fl-Iskejjel tal-Istat – Stqarrija tal-Kurja

  • Reference is made to what the President of the Malta Union of Teachers is reported to have said about the teaching of religion in state schools (Times of Malta – October 10, 2014). Mr Kevin Bonello said that “It was scandalous that the Education Department did not have control over the religion classes syllabus, but this was instead in the Curia’s hands”.

    The fact is that there exists an Agreement between the Holy See and the Republic of Malta on Catholic Religious Instruction and Education in Church Schools, signed in 1989…

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Is-Sinodu jfittex li jimmudella ż-zwieġ t’Alla tal-ġustizzja u l-ħniena

  • How can the Church remain true to its core beliefs while showing mercy, compassion and forgiveness to individuals who fail, in so many ways, to live up its high ideals? That’s the question at the heart of the Synod of Bishops on the Family which is moving towards the conclusion of its first week’s work. To explore these issues at the daily press briefing on Thursday, the head of the Vatican press office Fr Federico Lombardi and his assistants were joined by the head of the Canadian Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Paul-André Durocher and Italian Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, as Philippa Hitchen reports…. 

    ‘Which of you, having a son or an ox that has fallen into a well on the Sabbath day, will not immediately pull him out?’ Those words of Jesus to the Pharisees were used by Cardinal Coccopalmerio on Thursday to throw light on the dilemma facing Synod Fathers as they struggle to distinguish between Church doctrine and its practical application to people in their care…

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