Yearly Archives: 2014

Il-Papa Franġisku jiltaqa’ mal-anzjani fi Pjazza San Pietru

  • A brilliantly sunlit St. Peter’s Square was the scene Sunday morning for a great gathering of senior citizens – and especially grandparents – who had come to Rome to be with Pope Francis, to exchange life stories and hear the Holy Father’s reflections on the importance, the struggles, and the beauty of life in the old age. People of every state in life were present: elderly clergy and religious, including Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI; single people; married couples, including a couple of elderly refugees from Iraq, Mubarak and Aneesa Hano, Christians from the country’s north who have been forced to flee their home by Islamic State militants; and widows and widowers…

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It-Turiżmu u l-iżvilupp komunitarju – Messaġġ għall-Jum Dinji tat-Turiżmu 2014

  • 1. Like every year, World Tourism Day is celebrated on September 27. An event promoted annually by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the theme for this year’s commemoration is “Tourism and Community Development”. Keenly aware of the social and economic importance of tourism today, the Holy See wishes to accompany this phenomenon from its own realm, particularly in the context of evangelization…

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L-Insara vanitużi huma bħal bżieżaq tas-sapun – Il-Papa Franġisku

  • During his morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis warned us to beware of vanity, which takes us far from the truth and makes us seem like “soap bubbles.” Taking the first reading as his starting point, he emphasised that when they do good, Christians must avoid the temptation to “make themselves seen.”

    If you “do not have something substantial, you too will pass like all things.” Pope Francis took his cue from the Book of Ecclesiastes to dwell on vanity…

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Il-qawwa tagħna tinstab fl-Imħabba ta’ Kristu – il-Papa Franġisku

  • During his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis reflected on his Apostolic Voyage to Albania.

    Below, please find Vatican Radio’s translation of the full text of Pope Francis’ remarks:

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    Today I want to speak about the Apostolic Voyage I took to Albania last Sunday. I do so first of all as an act of thanksgiving to God, who allowed me to undertake this Visit in order to show, even in a physical and tangible way, my closeness and the closeness of the whole Church to this people…

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L-Arċisqof jiltaqa’ mal-Kunsill Pastorali Parrokkjali, il-Kummisjoni Liturġija u is-Sorijiet Franġiskani fil-parroċċa tas-Siġġiewi

  • Nhar it-Tlieta 23 ta’Settembru 2014, l-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. iltaqa’ mal-membri tal-Kunsill Pastorali Parrokjali, Kummissjoni Implementazzjoni Sinodu, l-Kunsill Ekonomiku Parrokjali  u l-Kummissjoni Liturġija bħal parti miż-Żjara Pastorali, fil-parroċċa tas-Siġġiewi

  • Aktar kmieni, l-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P…
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L-Isqof Scicluna: in-nies kollha għandu jkollhom l-opportunità li jgawdu n-natura

  • On Wednesday 24th September 2014, Bishop Scicluna joined a BirdLife Malta Raptor Camp team in Buskett Gardens to experience the autumn migration at its finest.

    The Auxillary Bishop of Malta joined the Raptor Camp team for a session of birdwatching in one of Malta’s migraton hot spots.  Watching Honey Buzzards, Marsh Harriers and Hobbies soaring over head, Bishop Scicluna asked people to “Remember the words of Jesus, ‘Look at the birds in the sky’”…

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L-Arċisqof Emeritu Ġużeppi Mercieca: Radd il-ħajr lil Alla għal 40 sena bħala Isqof

    • Il-Knisja f’Malta qed trodd ħajr lil Alla għall-40 anniversarju mill-Ordinazzjoni Episkopali tal-Arċisqof Emeritu Mons. Ġużeppi Mercieca. Għal din l-okkażjoni, l-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa fil-Katidral tal-Imdina, nhar it-Tnejn 29 ta’ Settembru, fis-6.30 p.m. In-Nunzju Appostoliku, Mons. Aldo Cavalli, l-Isqof Mario Grech, l-Isqof Awżiljarju Charles J. Scicluna u l-Isqof Joe Alessandro O.F.M. Kapp. ser jikkonċelebraw, filwaqt li l-Arċisqof Ġużeppi Mercieca ser jassisti matul il-Quddiesa…

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