Yearly Archives: 2015

Il-Papa fl-Anġelus: Ġesù ried Nsara magħqudin bejniethom

  • On Sunday and before the Angelus, the Pope recalled the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and its theme, “Give me a drink”, the sentence uttered by Jesus to the Samaritan woman.

    He told the faithful gathered that the “desire for unity” of the disciples of Jesus is part of our “thirst not only material for water, but above all our thirst for a full life, free from the slavery of evil and death.” He went on to say that “Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises because it is he who gives to the Holy Spirit, the ‘living water’ that quenches our restless hearts, hungry for life, love, freedom, peace : thirsty for God…

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Il-Vanġelu tal-jum – 26 ta’ Jannar

  • San Luqa 10:1-9 Wara dan, il-Mulej għażel tnejn u sebgħin oħra u bagħathom tnejn tnejn qablu f’kull belt u post fejn kien se jmur hu. U qalilhom: “Il-ħsad huwa kbir, imma l-ħaddiema ftit. Itolbu mela lil Sid il-ħsad biex jibgħat ħaddiema għall-ħsad tiegħu. Morru! Araw, qiegħed nibgħatkom bħal ħrief qalb l-ilpup. Teħdux magħkom la but, la ħorġa u lanqas qrieq, u fit-triq issellmu lil ħadd…
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Il-Vanġelu tal-jum – 25 ta’ Jannar

  • San Mark 1:14-20

    Wara li arrestaw lil Ġwanni, Ġesù mar il-Galilija jxandar l-Evanġelju ta’ Alla u jgħid: “Iż-żmien huwa mitmum, u s-Saltna ta’ Alla waslet; indmu u emmnu fl-Evanġelju.” Waqt li kien għaddej ma’ xatt il-baħar tal-Galilija, lemaħ lil Xmun u ‘l ħuh Indrì qegħdin ikalaw ix-xbiek fil-baħar, għax kienu sajjieda. U Ġesù qalilhom: “Ejjew warajja, u nagħmel minnkom sajjieda tal-bnedmin.” U minnufih telqu x-xbiek, u marru warajh…

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Postijiet vakanti fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja fit-tieni sena kindergarten u fl-ewwel sena sekondarja

  • Postijiet għat-tfal fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja fl-ewwel sena sekondarja

    Fis-26, 27 u 30 ta’ Jannar ser jintlaqgħu l-applikazzjonijiet tat-tielet kriterju “Applikanti Oħra” għall-ewwel sena sekondarja għad-dħul fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja għas-sena skolastika 2015-2016. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fir-Regolamenti tad-Dħul li jinsabu fuq il-websajt tal-Knisja f’Malta.

    F’Novembru 2014 saru l-applikazzjonijiet skont l-ewwel kriterju għad-dħul fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja. Hawn taħt se nagħtu rendikont ta’ kemm applikaw skont l-ewwel kriterju u kemm baqa’ postijiet vakanti għall-ewwel sena sekondarja…

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Il-Vanġelu tal-jum – 24 ta’ Jannar

    • San Mark 3:20-21

      Mbagħad mar id-dar, u l-kotra reġgħet inġemgħet, hekk li anqas biss setgħu jieklu. Qrabatu, malli semgħu, ħarġu biex iżommuh, għax qalu li tilef moħħu.

      Qaddis tal-jum: San Franġisk de Sales, Isqof u Duttur tal-Knisja

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Il-Messaġġ tal-Papa fil-Jum Dinji tal-Komunikazzjoni

  • The Pope’s message for the 49th annual World Communications Day was published today, the vigil of the feast day of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of journalists. The Day will be celebrated on Sunday 17 May 2015, and this year’s theme is “Communicating the family: a privileged place of encounter with the gift of love”. 

    “The family is a subject of profound reflection by the Church and of a process involving two Synods: the recent extraordinary assembly and the ordinary assembly scheduled for next October…

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Il-Papa Franġisku: Il-Kattoliċi u l-Luterani f’xhieda Kristjana bejniethom

  • Pope Francis told an ecumenical delegation from Finland Thursday that Catholics and Lutherans can do much together “to bear witness to God’s mercy.”  The delegation’s visit to Rome coincides with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the Feast of St. Henry, the patron saint of Finland.

    In his discourse to the Finnish delegates, Pope Francis applauded the progress achieved in ecumenical dialogue between the two Churches over the last thirty years and said, “a shared Christian witness is very much needed in the face of the mistrust, insecurity, persecution, pain and suffering experienced so widely in today’s world.”

    Below, please find the text of Pope Francis’ discourse to the ecumenical delegation from Finland:

    Dear Bishop Vikström,
    Dear Bishop Sippo,
    Dear Friends,

    It is with joy that I welcome you, on the occasion of your annual ecumenical pilgrimage to Rome to celebrate the feast of Saint Henrik, the patron of your country…

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Il-Vanġelu tal-jum – 23 ta’ Jannar

  • San Mark 3:13-19 

    Tela’ fuq l-għolja u sejjaħ lejh lil dawk li ried. Huma resqu lejh, u għażel tnax li semmiehom appostli biex jibqgħu miegħu u biex jibgħathom jippridkaw, u jkollhom is-setgħa li jkeċċu  x-xjaten. Għażel mela t-Tnax: Xmun, li tah ukoll l-isem ta’ Pietru, u Ġakbu ta’ Żebedew, u Ġwanni, ħu Ġakbu, li tahom ukoll l-isem ta’ Boanerges, jiġifieri wlied ir-ragħad, u Indrì, u Filippu, u Bartilmew, u Mattew, u Tumas, u Ġakbu ta’ Alfew, u Taddew, u Xmun il-Kanani, u Ġuda l-Iskarjota, dak li ttradieh…

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Jitħabbru l-membri tal-Kummissjoni għall-Ħarsien tat-Tfal u l-Adulti Vulnerabbli

  • Il-Kummissjoni għall-Ħarsien tat-Tfal u l-Adulti Vulnerabbli, li taqa’ taħt ir-responsabilità tal-Konferenza Episkopali Maltija, ser tkun magħmula minn ħames membri. Dawn huma: Andrew Azzopardi, bħala Kap tal-Kummissjoni, Dott. Roberta Attard, Dr Kevin Borg, Fr Antoine Farrugia S.D.B. u Ms Clarissa Sammut Scerri. Żewġ persuni oħra, Dr Joseph Sammut u Mariella Fenech Pace, ser jaqdu r-rwol ta’ konsulent legali u ta’ amministratur, rispettivament…

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Il-gwerrer m’għandhomx iseħħu fl-isem ta’ Alla – Il-Papa Franġisku

  • Pope Francis has appealed for peace and reconciliation in Niger.

    Speaking on Wednesday at the weekly General Audience, the Pope explicitly referred to brutalities perpetrated against Christians, children and Churches.

    He invited those present to join him in praying for the victims of recent violence in Niger.

    Let us invoke the Lord – he said – for the gift of reconciliation and peace, may “religious sentiment never give rise to violence, oppression and destruction”…

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