Yearly Archives: 2015

Il-Papa Franġisku fil-Bolivja: pellegrin u xhieda

  • Pope Francis travelled from Ecuador to Bolivia on Wednesday afternoon, at the end of the first leg of his three-country visit to Latin America, and the beginning of the second. Arriving at the “El Alto” airport in La Paz, Pope Francis began his Apostolic Voyage to Bolivia by invoking “peace and prosperity upon all the people of this country.” In his address at the welcome ceremony, the Holy Father said, “As a guest and a pilgrim, I have come to confirm the faith of those who believe in the Risen Christ, so that, during our pilgrimage on earth, we believers may be witnesses of his love, leaven for a better world and co-operators in the building of a more just and fraternal society.” Pope Francis said that during his Visit he would, “encourage the vocation of Christ’s disciples to share the joy of the Gospel to be salt for the earth and light to the world.” Following the welcome ceremony, the Holy Father visited privately with Bolivia’s president, Evo Morales, before meeting in La Paz cathedral with Bolivian civil authorities and representatives of culture and civil society…
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L-Evanġelju tal-jum: 9 ta’ Lulju

    • San Mattew 10:7-15

      Intom u sejrin, xandru u għidu li s-Saltna tas-Smewwiet waslet. Fejjqu l-morda, qajjmu l-mejtin, fejjqu l-lebbrużi, keċċu x-xjaten. B’xejn ħadtu, b’xejn agħtu. Tfittxux li jkollkom flus fuqkom, la tad-deheb, la tal-fidda u lanqas tar-ram; u la ħorġa għat-triq, la żewġ ilbiesi, la qrieq u lanqas ħatar, għax il-ħaddiem ħaqqu ħobżu. Fil-bejt jew raħal fejn tidħlu, araw ikunx hemm min jixraqlu tmorru għandu, u ibqgħu f’daru sa ma titilqu minn hemm…

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In-Nunzju Appostoliku għal Malta jippreżenta l-kredenzjali lill-President ta’ Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

  • On the 8th July , at the Presidential Palace in Valletta, Monsignor Mario Roberto Cassari presented his credentials to the President of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.

    During the ceremony, the President of Malta and the Apostolic Nuncio discussed the very good relations between Malta and the Holy See.

    Monsignor Mario Roberto Cassari was born in Ghilarza (Oristano, Italy) on 27th August 1943…

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L-Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna fl-okkażjoni tal-funeral ta’ missieru

  • L-Erbgħa 8 ta’ Lulju 2015, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna, mexxa l-Quddiesa tal-funeral ta’ missieru, is-Sur Emanuel Scicluna. Il-funeral sar fil-knisja parrokkjali ta’ San Bastjan, Ħal Qormi. L-Omelija tal-Arċisqof
  • Nemmen f’Ġesù, nagħraf lill-Missier, nitfarraġ fl-Ispirtu s-Santu

    Nemmen f’Ġesù

    « Tħallux qalbkom titħawwad! Emmnu f’Alla, u emmnu fija wkoll » (Ġw: 14, 1). L-istedina ta’ Ġesù tinfed il-qalb ta’ kull wieħed u waħda minna mnikktin kif aħna għat-telfa tal-għażiż papà Emanuel…

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Il-Papa Franġisku jiltaqa’ mal-edukaturi u s-soċjetà ċivili fl-Ekwador

  • Pope Francis had a pair of major public engagements on Tuesday afternoon: a meeting with students, faculty and other representatives of the world of education and culture at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in Quito; and a meeting with representatives of Ecuadorean civil society, in the church of St. Francis, also in Quito. The venue for the first encounter is a private institution founded in 1946 and belonging to the Archdiocese, which has been operated by the Society of Jesus since its founding…
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Jinġabru €550,612 b’risq Id-Dar tal-Providenza

  • A record of €550,612 were raised in the BOV Volleyball Marathon held at Dar tal-Providenza. The marathon started on Friday and was inaugurated by the President of Malta and came to an end atmidnight on Sunday. Over 300 volunteers provided their support to the marathon, which saw 40 players giving it all to raise the necessary funds for id-Dar tal-Providenza. This year’s marathon was also part of the activities commemorating the 50th anniversary of id-Dar Tal-Providenza…
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L-Evanġelju tal-jum: 8 ta’ Lulju

  • San Mattew 10:1-7 Sejjaħ lejh it-tnax-il dixxiplu tiegħu, u tahom is-setgħa fuq  l-ispirti ħżiena biex ikeċċuhom, u jfejjqu kull xorta ta’ mard u ‘l kull min kien nieqes minn saħħtu. L-ismijiet tat-tnax-l appostlu huma dawn: l-ewwel Xmun, jgħidulu Pietru, u ħuh Indrì, u Ġakbu ta’ Żebedew, u ħuh Ġwanni, Filippu u Bartilmew, Tumas u Mattew il-pubblikan, Ġakbu ta’ Alfew, u Taddew, Xmun il-Kanani, u Ġuda l-Iskarjota, li mbagħad ittradieh. Lil dawn it-tnax Ġesù bagħathom b’dawn l-ordnijiet: “Taqbdux triq il-pagani, u tidħlux f’belt tas-Samaritani: imma qabel xejn morru fittxu n-nagħaġ il-mitlufa tad-dar ta’ Iżrael. Intom u sejrin, xandru u għidu li s-Saltna tas-Smewwiet waslet…
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Mr Holmes

  • ****

    Direttur: Bill Condon

    Atturi: Ian McKellen, Laura Linney, Milo Parker

    Ħin: 104 minuti

    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: PG

    Klassifika tal-Knisja: UPG

    Fl-1947, Sherlock Holmes, issa ta’ 93 sena, ikun għadu kif irritorna mill-Ġapan lejn id-dar tiegħu, razzett f’Dover fix-xlokk ta’ l-Ingilterra. Għandu jgħixu miegħu Mrs Munro, li tieħu ħsiebu, u binha Roger, ta’ għaxar snin…

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  • ** Direttur: Gil Kenan Atturi: Sam Rockwell, Rosemarie DeWitt, Saxon Sharbino Ħin: 134 minuti Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 15 Klassifika tal-Knisja: 15 Eric Bowen tilef l-impjieg tiegħu u flimkien ma’ marthu Amy u t-tlett  uliedhom, binhom Griffin u ż-żewġt ibniet Kendra u Madison, imorru joqgħodu f’dar aktar modesta f’tarf il-belt. Id-dar il-ġdida tagħhom hi mibnija fuq ċimiterju antik, iżda min biegħilhom ma’ qalilhomx din il-ħaġa…
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