Il-Papa Franġisku

“Il-Papa stabbli imma fraġli, u jeħtieġ monitoraġġ kontinwu” – tobba

Ġimgħa wara li l-Papa Franġisku ddaħħal l-Isptar Gemelli f’Ruma, it-tim mediku tiegħu pprovda aġġornament dwar il-kundizzjoni tiegħu, u enfasizza li filwaqt li huwa stabbli, is-saħħa tiegħu tibqa’ fraġli u teħtieġ monitoraġġ kontinwu.

It-tabib Sergio Alfieri, Direttur tad-Dipartiment Mediku Kirurġiku fil-Policlinico Gemelli, u t-tabib Luigi Carbone, Deputat Direttur tad-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa u l-Iġjene tal-Belt tal-Vatikan, indirizzaw konferenza tal-aħbarijiet filwaqt li taw ddettalji dwar il-progress tal-Papa u l-isfidi li potenzjalment ġejjin… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa Franġisku kellu lejl ta’ mistrieħ u ħa l-kolazzjon dalgħodu

“The Pope spent a restful night, woke up and had breakfast,” the Holy See Press Office shared in a note to journalists on Wednesday morning.

In a Tuesday evening press release, the Holy See Press Office stated the Pope has double pneumonia, but nevertheless “remains in good spirits.”

“Laboratory tests, chest X-rays, and the clinical condition of the Holy Father,” it began, “continue to present a complex picture.”

The statement added that the Pope’s “polymicrobial infection, which has arisen in the context of bronchiectasis and asthmatic bronchitis, and has required the use of corticosteroid and antibiotics, makes the therapeutic treatment more complex.”

“A follow-up chest CT scan, to which the Holy Father was subjected this afternoon—prescribed by the Vatican medical team and the medical staff of the “A… Kompli aqra »

Is-saħħa tal-Papa tibqa’ stabbli waqt li jkompli jingħata kura l-isptar

The Holy See Press Office releases an update on Pope Francis’ health as he is treated for a respiratory infection in hospital, saying that he rested well and treatment is proceeding normally.

“Pope Francis rested well during the night. His clinical condition is stable, and the diagnostic and therapeutic process prescribed by the medical staff continues. This morning, he received the Eucharist and followed the Holy Mass on television… Kompli aqra »

“Tiqfux tfittxu, tistaqsu u tieħdu riskju” – il-Papa fil-Ġublew tal-Artisti

At Mass for the Jubilee of Artists and the World of Culture, the Pope called on creatives to be “witnesses to the revolutionary vision of the Beatitudes”.

As the Pope is currently undergoing treatment in hospital for bronchitis, his homily was read aloud by Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Culture and Education.

Witnessing to the Beatitudes, the Pope said, means not only creating beauty, but also “revealing the truth and goodness …hidden within the folds of history”, and “giving voice to the voiceless”… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa fl-Udjenza: Dawk li huma umli u foqra huma xhieda tat-twelid ta’ Ġesù

Għeżież ħuti, l-għodwa t-tajba!

Fil-mixja Ġubilari tagħna ta’ katekeżijiet dwar Ġesù, li hu t-tama tagħna, illum nieqfu fuq il-ġrajja tat-twelid tiegħu f’Betlehem.

L-Iben ta’ Alla jidħol fl-istorja billi jsir sieħeb tagħna fil-vjaġġ u jibda jivvjaġġa meta għadu fil-ġuf ta’ ommu. L-evanġelista Luqa jirrakkontalna li malli tnissel, mar Nazaret fid-dar ta’ Żakkarija u Eliżabetta; u mbagħad, meta t-tqala kienet kważi lesta, minn Nazaret għal Betlehem għaċ-ċensiment… Kompli aqra »

It-tama ma tiddiżappuntax imma ssaħħaħna fi żminijiet ta’ prova

Messaġġ tal-Papa Franġisku fil-Jum Dinji tal-Morda

Għeżież ħuti!

Qed niċċelebraw it-33 Jum Dinji tal-Marid fis-Sena tal-Ġublew 2025, li fiha l-Knisja tistedinna biex insiru “pellegrini tat-tama”.  Il-Kelma ta’ Alla takkumpanjana, u toffrielna permezz ta’ San Pawl, messaġġ li jqawwielna ħafna qalbna: “It-tama ma tqarraqx bina” (Rum 5, 5), anzi, tqawwina waqt it-tiġrib.

Dawn huma kliem li jfarrġuna, imma jistgħu jħawdu speċjalment lil min jinsab għaddej minn xi tbatija… Kompli aqra »

Il-messaġġ tal-Papa għal Jum il-Missjoni: It-talb iżomm it-tama tagħna ħajja

Pope Francis says that prayer is not only the “primary missionary activity,” but also the key to  “keeping alive the spark of hope lit by God within us…”

The Holy Father gave this comforting reminder in his World Mission Day Message for 2025, which was published by the Holy See Press Office in several languages on Thursday. The Church will observe the 99th edition of the World Day on 19 October… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa fl-Udjenza: Nilqgħu l-preżenza ta’ Marija f’ħajjitna

Għeżież ħuti, l-għodwa t-tajba!

Illum nikkontemplaw il-ġmiel ta’ Ġesù Kristu t-tama tagħna fil-misteru tal-Viżitazzjoni. Il-Verġni Marija żżur lil Santa Eliżabetta; imma hu fuq kollox Ġesù, fil-ġuf ta’ ommu, li jżur lill-poplu tiegħu (ara Lq 1:68), kif jgħid Żakkarija fl-innu tiegħu ta’ tifħir.

Wara li tistagħġeb b’dak li ħabbrilha l-Anġlu, Marija tqum u titlaq fi vjaġġ, bħall-imsejħin kollha tal-Bibbja, għax “l-għemil waħdieni li bih il-bniedem jista’ jikkorrispondi ma’ Alla li jirrivela lilu nnifsu hu dak tad-disponibbiltà bla limiti” (H.U… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa fl-Anġelus: “Ġesù hu s-salvazzjoni u d-dawl tagħna”

  Pjazza San Pietru, il-Vatikan

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel of the liturgy (Lk 2:22-40) tells us about Mary and Joseph who take the infant Jesus to the Temple of Jerusalem. In accordance with the Law, they present Him in God’s dwelling, to recall that life comes from the Lord. And while the Holy Family carries out what was always done among the people of Israel, from generation to generation, something happens that had never occurred before… Kompli aqra »

Dokument ġdid tal-Vatikan jeżamina l-potenzjal u r-riskji tal-AI

The Pope’s warnings about Artificial Intelligence in recent years provide the outline for “Antiqua et Nova,” the “Note on the relationship between artificial intelligence and human intelligence,” that offers the results of a mutual reflection between the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Dicastery for Culture and Education. The new document is addressed especially to “those entrusted with transmitting the faith,” but also to “those who share the conviction that scientific and technological advances should be directed toward serving the human person and the common good” [5]… Kompli aqra »