
Ġimgħa ta’ Talb għall-Għaqda fost l-Insara 2021

Min‑nhar it‑Tnejn, 18 ta’ Jannar 2021, l‑Insara kollha madwar id‑dinja se jiċċelebraw il‑Ġimgħa ta’ Talb għall‑Għaqda fost l‑Insara, li tintemm it‑Tnejn, 25 ta’ Jannar. Matul din il‑ġimgħa l‑Knejjes Insara differenti jingħaqdu għal talb ekumeniku, bit‑tema għal din is‑sena tkun: “Ibqgħu fl‑imħabba tiegħi u tagħmlu ħafna frott” (ara Ġw 15:5‑9). Dan huwa kliem mill‑Evanġelju skont San Ġwann meta Ġesù tkellem dwaru nnifsu bħala d‑dielja l‑vera, u aħna l‑friegħi… Kompli aqra »

Jum Dinji tal-Morda: Il-Papa jħeġġeġ “relazzjoni bbażata fuq il-fiduċja” fil-kura tal-morda

Message by Pope Francis for the 29th World Day of the Sick

Pope Francis blesses a sick person in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 26 Nov. 2017 

Dear brothers and sisters,

The celebration of the XXIX World Day of the Sick on 11 February 2021, the liturgical memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes, is an opportunity to devote special attention to the sick and to those who provide them with assistance and care both in healthcare institutions and within families and communities… Kompli aqra »

Diżapprovazzjoni tal-azzjoni fuq konsulent mediku

Stqarrija mis-Segretarjat għall-Edukazzjoni Nisranija

The Secretariat for Catholic Education and the Church Schools Association are dismayed by the reports that Dr Kenneth Grech has been redeployed. Since the start of the pandemic, Dr Grech, in his official capacity and along with his colleagues, has given very valid advice when considering whether or not to physically welcome students, educators, and staff in schools. Dr Grech has been rendering a sterling service as coordinator of the COVID-19 team and always sought to safeguard public health… Kompli aqra »

Il-ministeri tal-lettorat u akkolitat se jkunu miftuħa għan-nisa

With a Motu proprio released on Monday, Pope Francis established that from now on the ministries of Lector and Acolyte are to be open to women, in a stable and institutionalized form through a specific mandate.

There is nothing new about women proclaiming the Word of God during liturgical celebrations or carrying out a service at the altar as altar servers or as Eucharistic ministers… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa: Għandna bżonn l-għaqda u l-fraternità biex nirbħu din il-kriżi

The Pope is inviting everyone to rediscover our common unity, to be close to those who suffer, to feel like brothers and sisters in order to overcome together the global crisis caused by the pandemic.

At the beginning of the interview with Canale 5, aired Sunday evening, Pope Francis reiterates that “after a crisis we are never as before, ever. We either emerge better or we come out worse.” According to the Pope, “one must review everything.” The great values which are always there in life must be translated into our life lived in the moment… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa dwar l-attakk fuq il-Kungress Amerikan: Irrifjutaw il-vjolenza, wasal iż-żmien għall-fejqan

Pope Francis says the unfolding of events on Capitol Hill in Washington DC on 6 January “came as a surprise” to him. However, he noted, no society can consider itself immune from subversive elements.

His words come as part of an interview conducted by the Italian “Canale 5” television network, which will be broadcast on Sunday evening.

Violence to be condemned

“I was amazed, because they are a people who are so disciplined in democracy,” said Pope Francis… Kompli aqra »

Quddiesa tal-Ħadd – 10 ta’ Jannar, 9:30am

  Il-Knisja ta' San Girgor, iż-Żejtun

Għin lill‑Arċidjoċesi twettaq il‑missjoni tagħha Agħti Donazzjoni »

Segwi l-qari tal-Quddiesa tal-lum hawnhekk.

Talba għat-Tqarbina tax-Xewqa

Ġesù, jiena nemmen li Inti tinsab tabilħaqq fis-Sagrament tal-Ewkaristija. 
Irrid inħobbok fuq kollox u fuq kulħadd.
Inti taf li nixtieq nirċevik ġewwa fija.
Imma ġaladarba bħalissa ma nistax nilqgħek ġewwa fija sagramentalment,
nitolbok li tiġi fija spiritwalment.
Ejja għandi Ġesù tiegħi, biex jiena niġi għandek… Kompli aqra »

Id-deċiżjoni tal-Knisja dwar il-Komunità Ġesù Salvatur

L‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta u d‑Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex jikkonfermaw id-deċiżjoni li  jiddiżassoċjaw ruħhom mill‑Komunità Ġesù Salvatur. Dan wara li kummissjoni mwaqqfa mill‑Knisja semgħet l‑esperjenzi tal‑persuni kollha li xtaqu jiltaqgħu magħha, inkluż il‑mexxejja tal‑Komunità. Il‑kummissjoni tal‑Knisja kienet immexxija minn Mons. Hector Scerri, teologu u President tal‑Kummissjoni Dottrinali tal‑Konferenza Episkopali Maltija.

F’ħames xhur ta’ investigazzjoni ġie osservat li fil‑Komunità Ġesù Salvatur hemm għarfien żbaljat u mħawwad tat‑tagħlim tal‑Knisja, interpretazzjoni ħażina ta’ siltiet mill‑Iskrittura, u atteġġjament li jweġġa’ lil persuni li għaddejjin minn sitwazzjonijiet ta’ sfida fil‑ħajja… Kompli aqra »

Ħarġa ġdida ta’ Melita Theologica

Rev. Dr Martin Micallef, editor of Melita Theologica, is pleased to inform that Issue 70.2 of the peer-reviewed journal has just been published. Featuring in this issue are five contributions on the development of the term ‘quċċija’, the episcopate and pastoral letters of Archbishop Mauro Caruana, the role of the school and the parish in the education for the faith in children, the first three verses of the Book of Revelation, and the interplay between footnotes and endnotes… Kompli aqra »

Il-ftuħ tal-iskejjel tal-Knisja

Stqarrija mis-Segretarjat għall-Edukazzjoni Nisranija

The Secretariat for Catholic Education (SfCE) in consultation with the Church Schools Association (CSA) has taken note of the sharp increase in COVID-19 cases reported by Public Health Authorities, reaching a significant peak today 6th January 2021. The number of positive cases are expected to remain high in the coming few days. In view of this, on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th January, Church Schools will be teaching online… Kompli aqra »