
“Niksbu lura t-tama u s-solidarjetà” – L-Isqfijiet Ewropej

Messaġġ lill-istituzzjonijiet tal-Unjoni Eweopea u lill-Istati Membri

Presidents of the Bishops´ Conferences of all EU Member States addresses on Wednesday 18 November 2020 a message of hope and a call to solidarity to the EU institutions and the Member States in this painful and uncertain historical moment marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. The EU Bishops’ Conferences state: “We strive to build a universal fraternity that leaves no one out”.

In the light of the recently published Pope Francis’ letter on Europe, the message “Regaining hope and solidarity” written by the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union addresses mostly the fight against Covid-19 and the common efforts we are all called to make to ensure a fair, just and person-centered recovery… Kompli aqra »

Ċelebrazzjoni Djoċesana fil-festa ta’ Kristu Re

Nhar il‑Ħadd li ġej, 22 ta’ Novembru 2020, il‑Knisja Kattolika ser tiċċelebra l‑festa liturġika ta’ Kristu Re. L‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna flimkien mal‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi qed jistiednu rappreżentanza żgħira minn kull parroċċa biex jingħaqdu magħhom għaċ‑ċelebrazzjoni djoċesana.

Din tibda fil‑5:00 p.m. u se ssir fil‑Bażilika Minuri ta’ Kristu Re f’Raħal Ġdid, fejn ser tingħad it‑talba ta’ filgħaxija (l‑għasar). Dakinhar, l‑Arċisqof iwassal il‑messaġġ tiegħu f’din il‑festa importanti għall‑Insara u wara jagħti l‑barka sagramentali… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa waqt l-Anġelus: Nużaw it-talenti tagħna fit-tajjeb

Għeżież ħuti, il-jum it-tajjeb!

F’dal-Ħadd ta’ qabel tal-aħħar tas-sena liturġika, l-Evanġelju jippreżentalna l-parabbola ċelebri tat-talenti (cfr Mt 25,14-30).  Hi parti mid-diskors ta’ Ġesù dwar l-aħħar żminjiet, diskors li jseħħ immedjatament qabel il-passjoni, il-mewt u l-qawmien tiegħu.  Il-parabbola tirrakkonta li wieħed sinjur kien se jsiefer u peress li kien jaf li se jkun nieqes għat-tul jafda ġidu lil tlett qaddejja tiegħu: lill-ewwel wieħed itih ħames talenti, lit-tieni, tnejn u lit-tielet, wieħed.  Ġesu jagħmilha ċara li t-tqassim isir “skont il-ħila ta’ kull wieħed” (v… Kompli aqra »

“Midd idek għall-fqir”

Messaġġ tal-Papa Franġisku fil-Jum Dinji tal-Foqra

“Midd idek għall-fqir” (ara Sir 7:32). L-għerf tal-qedem qiegħed dawn il-kelmiet bħal liġi qaddisa li wieħed għandu jimxi fuqha tul ħajtu. Dan jidwi llum bil-qawwa kollha tat-tifsira tiegħu biex jgħin lilna wkoll niffissaw ħarsitna fuq l-essenzjal u negħlbu l-ħitan tal-indifferenza. Il-faqar dejjem jilbes uċuħ differenti, li jitolbu attenzjoni għal kull qagħda partikulari: f’kull waħda minn dawn nistgħu niltaqgħu mal-Mulej Ġesù, li wriena li hu preżenti fl-aħwa l-aktar dgħajfa (ara Mt 25:40)… Kompli aqra »

Il-Papa lill-JRS: Agħtu vuċi lil min hu mwarrab

Jesuit Refugee Service working with children. Pope Francis praises the work of the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in a letter to mark its 40th anniversary.

It’s been 40 years since the Jesuit Refugee Service began its mission to help the many men, women and children who seek refuge and assistance.

Christian ethos

In a letter to mark four decades of service, Pope Francis recalled its founder, the Servant of God Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ, who, he said, is an example of “this intimately Christian and Ignatian desire to care for the well-being of all those who find themselves in a state of deep despair.”

Father Aruppe, wrote the Pope, transformed his dismay at the plight of the suffering “into a deeply practical attention to their physical, psychological and spiritual well-being.”

JRS past and present

The work of JRS has taken its cue from its Christian ethos, from its beginnings with the Vietnamese boat people in the 1980s up to the present day with the coronavirus pandemic, which has shown how the entire human family is “in the same boat,” finding itself faced with unprecedented economic and social challenges, the Pope said… Kompli aqra »

Edizzjoni ġdida ta’ Melita Theologica

The Faculty of Theology and Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija have published the latest edition of the journal Melita Theologica which is dedicated – in the words of Fr Hector Scerri, the co-editor of this issue – to ‘two magnetic personalities bridging the twentieth and the twenty‑first centuries’, namely, John Paul II and Chiara Lubich.

The latest edition of this peer-reviewed journal, which has been published continuously since 1947, brings together seven original articles from established local and international universities… Kompli aqra »

Nippromwovu ċ-Ċertifikat fil-Ħarsien tat-Tfal u ż-Żgħażagħ offrut mill-Università

Ir-rapport annwali tas-Safeguarding Commission

Fuq rakkomandazzjoni tas‑Safeguarding Commission, il‑Knisja imponiet restrizzjoni fuq erba’ persuni fl‑2018, u restrizzjoni fuq persuna oħra fl‑2019. Dawn il‑każijiet, fejn l‑allegazzjoni ta’ abbuż sesswali ġiet sostanzjata, kienu jinvolvu saċerdoti djoċesani, saċerdoti reliġjużi u lajċi. Kien hemm tliet restrizzjonijiet oħra dwar abbuż fiżiku u emozzjonali, u ta’ prattika ħażina (poor practice). Andrew Azzopardi, il‑Kap tas‑Safeguarding Commission, spjega li dawn il‑każijiet kollha ġew referuti lill‑awtoritajiet ċivili.

Waqt li kien qed jippreżenta r‑rapport annwali, Andrew Azzopardi spjega li l‑Knisja hi proattiva billi tirrapporta l‑każijiet lill‑pulizija jew lis‑servizzi soċjali sabiex tiżgura li l‑allegazzjonijiet ta’ abbuż jiġu investigati wkoll mill‑awtorità ċivili kompetenti… Kompli aqra »

Rapport McCarrick: paġna traġika li l-Knisja qed titgħallem minnha

In a statement of the Cardinal Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin advises that the document be read in its entirety so as not to draw partial conclusions: “We publish the Report with sorrow for the wounds that these events have caused to the victims, their families, the Church in the United States, and the Universal Church”.

At the time of Theodore McCarrick’s appointment as Archbishop of Washington in 2000, the Holy See acted on the basis of partial and incomplete information… Kompli aqra »

Għaliex hu importanti l-kuntest

Artiklu mill-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi

“A text without a context is a pretext for a prooftext”. I was reminded of this aphorism recently, when reading media reports on the words of Pope Francis.

A global media frenzy was created by a twenty-second clip taken from the documentary ‘Francesco’ by Russian filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky on several highlights of the pontificate of Pope Francis. Pope bashers said his words were heretical and called on the Pope to repent… Kompli aqra »